Fantasy Schedule

Week 1
Alligators on a Train 82 at Vic Lanzotti 90
The Will to Lose 32 at Todd Berle 108
Buttgravy 54 at Jimmy Smith Who? 92
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 61 at No Nipples 121
Rusty Trombones 90 at Steve Cook 61
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 149 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 84

Week 2
Todd Berle 66 at Buttgravy 119
The Will to Lose 79 at Vic Lanzotti 100
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 59 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 122
Rusty Trombones 103 at Jimmy Smith Who? 68
Steve Cook 89 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 131
Alligators on a Train 92 at No Nipples 112
Week 3
Rusty Trombones 94 at Alligators on a Train 67
Steve Cook 105 at Buttgravy 66
Todd Berle 81 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 75
Vic Lanzotti 83 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 144
Jimmy Smith Who? 76 at The Will to Lose 108
No Nipples 118 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 120
Week 4
Buttgravy 106 at Alligators on a Train 59
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 111 at Steve Cook 71
Rusty Trombones 97 at Todd Berle 72
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 127 at Jimmy Smith Who? 90
Leonard Pope John Paul II 99 at The Will to Lose 91
Vic Lanzotti 106 at No Nipples 101
Week 5
Alligators on a Train 49 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 143
Buttgravy 70 at Rusty Trombones 82
Steve Cook 52 at Todd Berle 73
The Will to Lose 68 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 89
No Nipples 100 at Jimmy Smith Who? 80
Leonard Pope John Paul II 88 at Vic Lanzotti 67
Week 6
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 157 at Alligators on a Train 105
Vic Lanzotti 146 at Buttgravy 113
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 108 at No Nipples 118
Rusty Trombones 96 at The Will to Lose 82
Jimmy Smith Who? 126 at Steve Cook 62
Leonard Pope John Paul II 101 at Todd Berle 106
Week 7
Alligators on a Train 127 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 109
Buttgravy 113 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 132
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 152 at Jimmy Smith Who? 124
Rusty Trombones 107 at No Nipples 98
Steve Cook 106 at Vic Lanzotti 111
Todd Berle 77 at The Will to Lose 75
Week 8
The Will to Lose 108 at Alligators on a Train 94
Leonard Pope John Paul II 126 at Buttgravy 128
Vic Lanzotti 90 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 71
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 128 at Rusty Trombones 157
No Nipples 81 at Steve Cook 53
Todd Berle 100 at Jimmy Smith Who? 75
Week 9
Alligators on a Train 104 at Todd Berle 100
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 109 at Buttgravy 96
Rusty Trombones 93 at Steve Cook 110
Leonard Pope John Paul II 152 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 80
Jimmy Smith Who? 116 at Vic Lanzotti 118
No Nipples 89 at The Will to Lose 89
Week 10
Steve Cook 80 at Alligators on a Train 121
Buttgravy 72 at Todd Berle 111
Rusty Trombones 97 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 102
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 119 at No Nipples 72
Leonard Pope John Paul II 129 at Jimmy Smith Who? 71
Vic Lanzotti 107 at The Will to Lose 85
Week 11
Alligators on a Train 161 at Rusty Trombones 161
Buttgravy 97 at Steve Cook 48
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 63 at Todd Berle 100
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 108 at Vic Lanzotti 104
The Will to Lose 67 at Jimmy Smith Who? 82
Leonard Pope John Paul II 74 at No Nipples 102
Week 12
Alligators on a Train 87 at Buttgravy 136
Steve Cook 85 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 159
Todd Berle 114 at Rusty Trombones 127
Jimmy Smith Who? 117 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 80
The Will to Lose 109 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 100
No Nipples 87 at Vic Lanzotti 133
Week 13
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 102 at Alligators on a Train 98
Rusty Trombones 104 at Buttgravy 99
Todd Berle 62 at Steve Cook 96
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 107 at The Will to Lose 95
Jimmy Smith Who? 61 at No Nipples 107
Vic Lanzotti 90 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 87
Week 14 (Post Season)
Steve Cook 102 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 89
The Will to Lose 132 at No Nipples 116
Buttgravy 109 at Todd Berle 103
Jimmy Smith Who? 65 at Alligators on a Train 118
Rusty Trombones 100 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 137
Vic Lanzotti 119 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 112
Week 15 (Post Season)
Alligators on a Train 90 at Rusty Trombones 116
Steve Cook 92 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 106
Buttgravy 95 at Vic Lanzotti 119
The Will to Lose 69 at Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 112
Jimmy Smith Who? 61 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 129
No Nipples 76 at Todd Berle 66
Week 16 (Post Season)
Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 73 at Rusty Trombones 106
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 118 at Vic Lanzotti 58
Alligators on a Train 59 at Buttgravy 113
Jimmy Smith Who? 86 at Leonard Pope John Paul II 108
No Nipples 72 at Steve Cook 95
The Will to Lose 115 at Todd Berle 100
Week 17 (Post Season)
Laughing Clown Malt Liquor 132 at Rusty Trombones 91
Alligators on a Train 67 at Andy Nichols/Mike Brennan 113
Buttgravy 118 at Jimmy Smith Who? 134
Leonard Pope John Paul II 138 at No Nipples 82
Steve Cook 102 at The Will to Lose 74
Todd Berle 74 at Vic Lanzotti 111