Nickname: Brogan14
Fantasy Player Rank: #1078

21 Money League Teams

Best BallAshes to VowinBest Ball Championship 2151
Best BallAstro ZombiesinBest Ball Championship 1782
Best BallBack to the DisasterinBest Ball Championship 1777
Best BallBad OmensinBest Ball Championship 1832
Best BallBazooka SharksinBest Ball Championship 1805
Best BallCS Wonder WomaninBest Ball Championship 2074
Best BallDaggers To VowinBest Ball Championship 2241
Best BallDark ForestinBest Ball Championship 2249
Best BallDude Where's My StarinBest Ball Championship 1772
Best BallFit for RivalsinBest Ball Championship 1788
Best BallFlash the VenominBest Ball Championship 1758
Best BallGunpowder MilkshakeinBest Ball Championship 1773
Best BallLucy Wonder DCinBest Ball Championship 1797
Best BallRabbit HoleinBest Ball Championship 1808
Best BallRainbow DaggerinBest Ball Championship 1795
Best BallStone Dagger DCinBest Ball Championship 1815
Best BallSuper Hero GirlsinBest Ball Championship 1821
Best BallSuper M Wonder WinBest Ball Championship 2158
Best BallUnchained VelocityinBest Ball Championship 1774
Best BallVenom and Vampire MoneyinBest Ball Championship 2246
Best BallWolf VillainsinBest Ball Championship 2160
Draft Slot123456789101112

Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000