Guest of the League
Ye Olde Donnybrook Football League Est. 2022
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Jumbo Thu Jun 13 10:33am ET
Anytime works for jumbo.
Commissioner Thu Jun 13 10:31am ET
Hey Steve,
I think that will work...i changed to 7:30pm.....the rest of yall chime in.....ill send out some notes soon!
DaBoys Thu Jun 13 10:14am ET
Any chance of starting draft at 7:30pm on the 22nd? (work CC at 7pm)
F-T Devils Mon Jun 10 10:42pm ET

Proposed draft date/time are good.

Cobras Mon Jun 10 9:12pm ET
Got it. Thanks!

DonkeyPox Mon Jun 10 8:03pm ET
sounds good!
Commissioner Mon Jun 10 1:33pm ET

Hey Gang,

Sorry, lots going on this year....slipping on my commissioner duties.....I'm lookin to move our draft date to Thurs Aug 22nd at 7:00pm CST. Let me know if any of you have conflicts and we can try to move around (unfortunately, i had a business trip come up for Aug 28th so need to realign).

Really looking forward to the season all



Philzbury Doughboys Tue Jun 4 5:09pm ET
Thanks, Mark.
Commissioner Wed Apr 10 8:46am ET

Hey Gang,

Not sure what those messages are on our board; have reached out to RTS to get some info.

Draft is coming...



I am Nimrod Thu Apr 4 11:16pm ET

Trade Block Update

Players on the Block:

  • Travis Kelce TE KC

Players 25 year or younger