Guest of the League
PEFL Est. 2006
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Arrowheads Fri Jun 28 8:43pm ET
Cool, should bring a bit of fun back to the league
Commissioner Thu Jun 27 8:33am ET
Divisions it is
Commissioner Thu Jun 20 12:52pm ET

It may not apply in this vote but in the future I’m going to go by the 70% rule to pass something. There are a lot of times when guys don’t vote so it becomes almost if you abstain you are essentially voting no. This may push people a bit more to vote. 

Condors Tue Jun 18 9:07pm ET
Sounds good. Thanks for confirm
Grinders Tue Jun 18 7:35pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 18 8:47pm ET
He would be a 17th round selection
Condors Tue Jun 18 7:26pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 18 7:26pm ET
What is the rule if they were originally drafted in the 17th round, released and were acquired. Then what happens?
Grinders Tue Jun 18 4:41am ET
Round 10
Condors Mon Jun 17 7:08pm ET
What is the rule for keepers who were picked up from the waiver wire? What is their draft value?
Commissioner Mon Jun 17 11:53am ET
Now that you have gotten a look at the division concept. Each league winner will qualify for the playoffs followed by the 3 highest point totals. I put up a vote for it or do we just stay with our current concept.