Guest of the League
Grand Island Football Pool Est. 2002
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
(1) The Ecstatic & The Abandoned (Matto / Joe) Thu Jul 18 9:29am ET

Something fishy is going on with the shooting attempt on 45 saturday. Unless the director of the SS is that incompetent, which I find it hard to believe, there was some kind of cooperation with the shooter or complete willful ignorance on their part.

This guy arrived with a ladder, rangefinder, rifle, a remote detonator, and a car with a bomb in it, and he was allowed to gain access to a roof less than 500 yards away from the stage and fire at a former president. There is absolutley no way this was just a mistake or something that was missed. 

How is not every rooftop within a mile not locked down. 450 yards is roughly the distance of the 4th hole at river oaks. How is that possible someone can gain access to a large warehouse roof with all of that shit on him, spend over 30 minutes on that roof, take shots at the president, and then finally get taken out. Im not saying this Crooks guy was working with the government, but I am saying someone may have allowed Crooks to do this.

Inside job all day long.



Remotely Working (Brendan / Griffin) Thu Jul 18 8:54am ET
Edited: Thu Jul 18 8:55am ET

Joe cannot be the nominee. Everyone from the fringe left to the Pelosi/Obama/Jeffries/Schiff crowd knows it. They're not shy in hiding it. After the debate I thought sticking it out with Joe for better or worse would be preferable as the debate talk would not survive a few days of talking head chatter. NOPE. Democrats of every stripe have been relentless in making it front-page news almost every day. Which is why I now think Biden will ultimately not be the nominee - if these Dems knew there was no chance of him being replaced, they wouldn't be giving the Trump team free campaign fodder day in and day out. Trump is a uniquely unpopular politician and a wide swath of this country will be ready to raise their banners for Kamala Harris to stop him, myself included. Come on Dems - make this election about the convicted felon and not our senile octogenarian. Young people in Wisconsin will stay home if Joe is the nominee and I don't blame them. I better not hear one word about the Green Party if Dems really trot this man out in our republic's hour of need. Joe. Cannot. Be. The. Nominee. 

No hot takes here about the assassination attempt...I'm glad he missed. RIP to the innocent man he killed.


(4) Long-Term Deals (Jamie / Quinn) Thu Jul 18 8:46am ET

Here ya go Mot....a real-life, real-time mini-group observation....the Mrs. and I were hosting a party Saturday for 6 other couples down in PA, as 4 individuals from our core group of friends retired at the end of June.  While I was grilling someone said 'I just got a text that said Trump was just shot'.  I immediately went to 'X' and confirmed it, and within a scroll or two had the images of bloodied Trump and the actual video.  Our friends are all 5-15 years older than us, so they were opening ABC News app, CNN app, etc.  

In real time this is how it played out....while X was providing up to the second documentation of the event...

ABC News - "Donald Trump escorted off stage by SS during rally after loud noises ring out in crowd"

NBC News - "SS rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his PA rally"

USA Today - "Trump removed from stage by SS after loud noises startle former president, crowd"

There were more, but the glaring difference that I noticed play out in real time in our group was that our friends thought it was being misreported as an assassination attempt, and that he fell, etc after being startled.

X usage hit an all-time high Saturday with 417,000,000,000 user seconds (this is how it's measured).  In the US alone, it reached 93B user seconds, which was 23% higher than any other day.  X now has Community Notes for the platform to collaboratively add context to misleading posts - in both directions!  There really is no need to go to obviously biased media, unless you are interested in the biased, suppressed version of the news.  On a day like Saturday, I was glad to have access to an app like X that wasn't suppressing images, articles, or video.  It was actually quite comical (during a sad event) to see the stark contrast.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Thu Jul 18 8:19am ET

Sometimes the distant perspective is's the timeline...

  • June 7th. Trump gets convicted.  His donations and polling numbers go up. Sentencing to by July 11th.
  • June 27th. Biden/Trump debate. Biden bombs and some question whether he should stay in race.
  • July 1st to July 11th. Biden does a few interviews and "big boy" presser. Says he's fine, had a bad night, and is fully committed to the race.
  • July 2nd. Judge moves sentencing to September.
  • July 13th. Attempted assassination of Trump.
  • July 17th. Biden has COVID and most top Democrats asking him to drop out.
  • ?????  Biden is out of the race...for some reason.
  • Sept. Trump is sentenced and rehash of conviction.
  • Sept. Debate with new candidate.

Some things are just too coincidental not to be orchestrated.


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jul 18 6:15am ET

What a great speech last night by the 98 year old WWII veteran....... Is it any wonder that they are referred to as The Greatest Generation?  Ready to reenlist when Trump wins the Presidency back!!!!!  He even had a few slip ups and mispronunciations just like Covid Joe.......

Another topic...... Open Championship....... I'll take Colin Morikawa.  Longshot..... How about Keegan Bradley making a statement!!!!!!


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 17 8:31pm ET
Edited: Wed Jul 17 8:52pm ET
Joe has Covid….. and so it begins… he doesn’t know it but the process to replace him has begun.

PS: Joe didn’t know his Director of Secret Service is a woman… Not surprising.

Finally….. A former President survives an assassination attempt by less than a centimeter and not one post from what I consider a very intelligent group of people who follow current events. I hope everyone who hasn’t posted have been too busy to post about it. I certainly don’t want to think nobody cares….

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 17 8:12am ET
Like most of the other cabinet members and agency heads in this administration she’s a total embarrassment. They stare right at you and lie thru their teeth with impunity knowing full well they have nothing to fear at all and will keep their jobs.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 17 5:01am ET

Now she has said in an interview with ABC News...... Well... You was a sloped roof so there is a safety factor there and we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof!!! She just keeps digging the hole deeper every time she does one of these media friendly interviews.  Biden won't fire her and these investigations will drag on...... but in a bit of an ironic twist..... Trump will get to fire her when he is elected President.......

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jul 16 4:51pm ET
It was quite relieving to see Trump’s Secret Service protection detail comprised of all men who stood at his height or taller as he arrived at the convention last night. Gone were the DEI hires who all lacked the physical size and strength to be effective in protecting Trump.

This was a total failure on every level from the Secret Service but as we’ve seen from this administration nobody is ever held accountable for their failures and incompetence. I find it hard to believe the Director of the Secret Service will survive this debacle but with this bunch in the White House she probably will.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sun Jul 14 10:16pm ET
Edited: Sun Jul 14 10:19pm ET
Les and I proudly wore our Trump golf shirts today at Oaks and Brick. Several people, most strangers can up and complimented us and shook hands in support of what we were doing. And it while it was in support of Trump it was also in support of unity and the trying to lower th craziness going on in our country.

Both sides bear responsibility for this but what really has to stop are the slanderous attacks on Trump saying he’s an “existential threat to democracy”:: and he’s as bad as Hitler and he’s a Putin ally. These are all lies and they know it but don’t care. And now some confused mentally ill young person is dead and Trump was a 1/4 inch from being killed.

I’ll be the first to say back off on the heated rhetoric to my side of the aisle. I also challenge the other side to cure themselves of their sick “Trump Derangement Syndrome “ and do the same. To me it’s obvious even before yesterday where most of the hate is coming from so to both sides I say dial it down.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sun Jul 14 8:45am ET
If the Director of Secret Service isn’t fired today or she doesn’t resign today that will speak volumes to her character and the type of no accountability people in this administration.

(4) Long-Term Deals (Jamie / Quinn) Sun Jul 14 2:19am ET
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sat Jul 13 10:55pm ET
From personal experience the Secret Service guys are top notch professionals. Having said that there’s going to be hell to pay for what happened today.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Sat Jul 13 9:32pm ET
They’re going to blame it on Iran. 60 minutes set the stage 8-9 months ago. Covert op. Deeply sad and predicted.
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sat Jul 13 8:18pm ET
I’ll be proudly wearing my Trump golf shirt tomorrow at Oaks.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sat Jul 13 11:12am ET
As to the meeting at Oaks, they said all the right things and stated that they would not go semi public and only a nominal increase in dues would occur in 2025. I’d like to take them at their word but there have been too many screw ups during the transition from Brady to these guys for me to have a lot of confidence. Right now I’m cautiously optimistic.

Very very cautiously …..

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jul 12 10:34am ET
As to the meeting at Oaks, they said all the right things and stated that they would not go semi public and only a nominal increase in dues would occur in 2025. I’d like to take them at their word but there have been too many screw ups during the transition from Brady to these guys for me to have a lot of confidence. Right now I’m cautiously optimistic.

Very very cautiously …..

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jul 12 10:09am ET

Pretty scary thing to consider though isn't it TNJ?

Damn Mot...... Did those new owners swear you to secrecy or something?  Thought you would fill us in on what if anything came of your little gathering......

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jul 12 9:51am ET
I stopped reading that article when I saw it was a NPR/PBS poll. NPR has been lying and covering for Biden since he announced his candidacy. Like the vast majority of the rest of the media they are unabashed liars and proud of it.

(4) Long-Term Deals (Jamie / Quinn) Fri Jul 12 8:35am ET

I find this incredible...after last night's debate, "A new national NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll has found that President Biden has taken a slight 50% to 48% lead over former President Trump in a head-to-head matchup...Almost two-thirds of the 1,300 respondents said they believe Biden is not mentally fit to be president."

That means if 100% of the 1/3 that believe he's mentally fit to serve were voting for Biden, 25% of those 2/3 (16.7%) that don't believe he's competent would knowingly cast a vote for a senile president.  Wow.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jul 11 10:11am ET

All these leagues have gotten into bed with these sports books so it's no great surprise that they have players that don't understand the rules but it is also realistic to expect that these sights all have pretty strong investigative teams that monitor the activities of said athletes.

Mot..... curious how things went with the meet and greet with the new owners last night......

(4) Long-Term Deals (Jamie / Quinn) Wed Jul 10 5:39pm ET
I mentioned on the board months ago about Jontay Porter getting caught betting on himself in NBA games. He’s now banned for life. It was actually the sports betting sites that busted him. Good article here if you’re interested.
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 10 4:36pm ET
The Buffalo News??? That left wing rag is still being printed?? I know it’s not in Buffalo anymore and that’s a good thing!! As to Covid it’s simple. It’s a cold. Masks are useless and don’t work and neither does the shot.

I’m pretty sure most know this by now….. most….

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 10 3:02pm ET
Edited: Wed Jul 10 3:09pm ET

Good call on the sanctions Martee..... Are they still in place??????? You wouldn't know it.......

As to Keegan Bradley..... The resume might not be the strongest but the guy wears his love for this country on his sleeve........ just hard to know if that can rub off of millionaires that don't care like he does......

Couldn't believe the headline to one of the articles on the front page of today's Buff News...... Pandemic Lessons..... You Probably Havn't Thought About Covid in a While.  Is It Back?  You have got to be kidding me...... When are these people going to move on????????

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Wed Jul 10 2:48pm ET

It's coming up on 2.5 years with Russian sanctions.  How are those working out?  Ukraine/USA/Russia/Nato biggest grift in recent history.


Sabres.  Glass half full view.  They got rid of 4 of the slowest guys...not just on the Sabres...but in the league.  And added 4 of the fastest (2 in the top 10.)  They are markedly faster and harder to play against.  And they have a new coach.  Who knows?!


Keegan Bradley?  Holy over correction for leaving him off the last team (when he earned it.)  Not saying he's going to be bad.  He may even be a good Captain.  But...6 PGA Tour wins; One Major; Two Ryder Cups; One President's Cup.  He will/may have guys on his team his age or older with way better resume's.  Kinda odd.



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 10 10:07am ET
That’s encouraging. The new owners are having a “meet and greet” tonite with the membership. The two big questions on everyone’s mind are : Are they planning on going semi private and are they planning on a large increase in dues.

Should be interesting…..

Remotely Working (Brendan / Griffin) Wed Jul 10 9:26am ET

There's an article in Buffalo Business First today about the new Oaks ownership - the guy said he expects to invest an additional $500K to the course and dining room and will hire a new food and beverage director. The only direct quote in the article is “The bottom line is to keep everything as is, but better. That’s the motto.” 


(4) Long-Term Deals (Jamie / Quinn) Mon Jul 8 1:35pm ET
From what I’ve read they’d have a hard time selecting anyone other than Kamala. Biden donations are tens of millions of dollars, and those can’t be transferred to anyone else (she’s part of the Biden-Harris donation). They look at it as too late to try to raise the money it would take to pay off all of the ballot box stuffers, er, I mean to finance a winnable campaign 😂😂
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sun Jul 7 4:36pm ET
More and more sharks are circling under Biden and most of them are Dem sharks. It’s just a matter of time before the people really in power make the move to oust Joe in favor of someone else. They are just figuring out how best to do it and who to select as his replacement. Once that’s completed the change will be made.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sun Jul 7 1:24pm ET

The way I see it JWS is that GMKA knows he is now definitely on the clock as far as having a limited amount of time left in his tenure if this team doesn't make the playoffs this season.  I'm OK with the free agent signings and trade for McLeod.  As I pointed out previously I believe Tarasenko would have been the better signing than Jason Zucker but the player has to want to play for your organization.  The bottom 6 are harder to play against and faster as well.  There is more competition for jobs and Lindy is the type of coach that will bench a guy if he doesn't see the desire and drive that he wants to see. 

Savoie struck me as talented but small and injury prone.  Drafting the kid they did in the first round this year made Savoie expendable and so the deal was done....... Will all this amount to a playoff spot...... Unfortunately, I have my doubts as the Atlantic Division is top heavy with talented teams that seem to make the playoffs year after year,,,,,,,, 

Commissioner Sun Jul 7 7:12am ET

These Sabres trades and acquisitions have come in quite a flurry.  Do any of my brothers here have a general take on what this all means?  The prevalent take is they are finally trading prospect(s) for people who can help now.  Is this driven by Ruff and his needs?  Are we any better?


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jul 4 3:00pm ET

C'mon Mot...... All this talk of Joe's stumbling and bumbling is fake news!!!! He is bringing his A game every day......

So not only do the Red Wings sign Kane on a team friendly deal but they also added Tarasenko now for two years at less than 10 mil.  Jason Zucker at one year and 5 mil was really the better option than a 2 time Stanley Cup champ in Tarasenko????? To me that miss can't be blamed on the Sabres lousy track record over the past 13 years because it's not like Detroit has been anything special for over a decade now either.......

Happy 4th everyone....... I wonder if the forefathers could have ever imagined what this country has become.......

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jul 4 12:06am ET
Any of our resident Biden supporters getting nervous that he’s about to get thrown overboard???

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jul 2 4:32pm ET
Edited: Tue Jul 2 4:35pm ET

I think the only hope on the trade front is if they can pull off a deal for Martin Necas from Carolina.  Top 6 winger looking for a change of scenery but also looking for a long term deal....... Just don't believe other teams are interested in a lot of the Sabres top prospects even though they come with cost control.......

Just read that as a point of reference...... the three guys the Sabres acquired to make up the new 4th line all would have been the team leader in hits on the Sabres last year as their team leader had 100.........

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jul 2 3:26pm ET
Only a city of Buffalo sports team could construct a group of core players who could not make the playoffs and then deconstruct that team and each of those core players went on to win the Stanley Cup with different teams. Only in Buffalo…..

And so it goes.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Tue Jul 2 3:19pm ET

Yeah.  Joe's pretty much got it nailed.  Not much to add.

When you buyout a guy, usually it means saving some money that you can then spend.  Isn't looking like that - unless a trade is still on the table somehow/some way. 

Guess the buyout really is just to make room for the "next Skinner" that's in our prospect pool.  Perhaps one with rise to the top this year.


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jul 2 10:37am ET

Pretty spot on Joe...... As you said there was no big splash signing but that goes hand in hand with the results of the last 13 years.  Lindy alone wasn't going to be enough to persuade a Patrick Kane to come home.  He took a one year 4 million dollar deal to stay in Detroit....... I'd be willing to bet Buffalo offered more term and more dollars and he still said no.   Guys like Marchessault or Stamkos or even a guy like Chandler Stephenson didn't have Buffalo on their short lists!!!!!

(1) The Ecstatic & The Abandoned (Matto / Joe) Mon Jul 1 5:44pm ET

Sabres didnt sign any big name flashy guys, but I overall like they guys they got. I think this roster is now a much better all around hockey team now.

We needed strong bottom 6 forwards, we got that by signing Sam Lafferty, Jason Zucker, Aube-Kubel, and trading for Malenstyn. These are all larger, heavier guys who can play a physical style game. I got real sick of seeing a 4th/3rd line of Okposo-Girgensons-Krebs the past 2 seasons. 

The main problem I foresee is not replacing Skinner with a proven top 6 goalscorer/playmaker. But I guess when you draft young small skill guys year after year they have to develop into the players you thought they could be. We need to see guys like Kulich, Savoie, Krebs, Benson, Biro, Rosen, Wahlberg, etc to take major steps in the next 2 years. 


Remotely Working (Brendan / Griffin) Mon Jul 1 1:43pm ET
How’s everyone feeling about the Sabres so far? Based on the group chats I’m in, things feel bleak…

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jun 28 9:27pm ET
100% correct TW!!! The guy couldn’t get a job as a school bus driver. He hasn’t been our President the past few years and we all know it. The swamp runs the show and that’s why they hate Trump. Everyone in this league knows this but half won’t admit it.

(2) Wd (Tom / Bob) Fri Jun 28 2:28pm ET

Question for all esteemed colleagues here…

If Biden isn’t mentally and physically fit to run for re-election, and replacement of him as a candidate is on the table, how can he be fit to run the country through the end of his term?

The dem pundits are all missing the point that running the country is the most concerning item here, not his re-election bid. They’re only concerned about presidential politics, not the financial condition, immigration challenges, and the geopolitical status of our country. 

IMO, if he needs to be replaced as a candidate, he needs to be replaced as President. 


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jun 28 11:47am ET
Edited: Fri Jun 28 11:47am ET
Agreed Martee. The only time Biden was on point was when he launched into his scripted attacks on Trump. I mean it’s easy to attack someone you hate, it’s a lot more difficult to articulate policy when you’re as mentally addled as Biden.

As to the “Trump lies” mantra, it’s all he has as he cannot defend his awful record/ performance in office. And I find it absolutely hilarious that a lifelong serial liar like Biden stands there and calls Trump a liar. Now that is truly hilarious!!!!

PS: Props to Tapper and Bash for putting aside their well documented hatred for Trump and conducting a fair and professional debate.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Fri Jun 28 11:31am ET

Mot, I agree (for the most part) on your take.  Trump should have done a better job - and had he - it would've been a rout.  His biggest miss(es) for me were just not answering the question asked.  I don't mind a rebuttal before your answer OR pivoting halfway through, but he should've just answered then done those tactics.  He has the answers (I've heard them) - just got sucked into rebuttals.

With that said, I watched MSNBC and CNN post-debate, and watched NBC early this morning.  The haven't really defended Biden's performance and did pass along the "panic" of the Democratic party.  My biggest problem is the spin on Trump. 

Once again, they are ALL saying the exact same thing. "Trump had so many lies" "Trump just had lie after lie" "Trump had a torrent of lies" etc.  But NONE of them said what the lies were.  Sure, I'd say there were definitely times that Trump exaggerated or dotted his sentences with superlatives - but flat out lies?  Journalism continues to be dead....just like the Biden campaign.



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jun 28 12:25am ET
To analyze this debate in football terms: It should’ve been a 35 to 3 win for Trump. But I’m my opinion it was a 27 to 10 win for Trump.

Biden was rambling and mumbling and the split screen really hurt him. But I thought he had a couple strong “debate moments” when he attacked Trump. But on the relevant issues he was very weak and it showed.

Trump on the other hand “fouled off” several softballs instead of hitting them out of the park. Too many times the KO punch was there to be landed and he brought a jab or a miss. This could’ve and should’ve been a rout but it in my opinion was a win for Trump but not the blowout it should’ve been.


Trump: B-

Biden: D+

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 11:10pm ET
Trump has got no shortage of BS and self aggrandizing rhetoric but Biden calling anyone, even Trump a LIAR is hilarious!!’

Step aside Joe. It’s over. Newsome is warming up in the bullpen.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 4:50pm ET
So GMKA is accumulating more draft capital..... Hopefully with the intent to package it with prospects to acquire NHL caliber quality help....but my concern is that they will simply use all the picks and continue kicking the can down the road....
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 8:59am ET
Sorry…. I don’t know how I did that (again) but that’s obviously an old post that I accidentally posted again. Disregard.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 6:31am ET
Skinner getting honored tonite for 1000 games in NHL. I’m sorry, nothing against Skinner but I just done see playing 1000 NHL as any real big deal. I mean ok, the player managed to hang in the NHL for 12 or 13 seasons.. fine, ok nice job.

But a special night before the a game to honor 1000 games played?? Nope. Not in my opinion. Maybe 1000 points. Maybe 500 goals. But not 1000 games played in the NHL.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Wed Jun 26 9:51am ET

From a Yahoo Sports Editor (excerpt):

"Inside the beachside Ritz-Carlton resort along Florida's southwestern coast, leaders of college athletics met in a second-floor conference room to discuss particulars about the industry's future.

Those in the room were limited to five men: NCAA president Charlie Baker and commissioners from the SEC, ACC, Big 12 and Big Ten.

Not in the room: the other 28 Division I commissioners who milled about on the first floor of the resort wondering the whereabouts of the other four. "I didn't even know they were meeting," said one. "Of course," whispered another, "they are cutting us out of it."


I knew paying players was going to be a bad idea for college sports - didn't realize how quickly it would degrade.  The NCAA will now be another professional league.  Gone are the days of amateur sports.  No more Cinderella stories.




FYI - there's a video of a D1 school hosting prospects and on the walk in they lined up exotic cars.  Used to be just hosting a party with a keg and the hottest girls on campus.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 25 4:03pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 25 5:03pm ET

I'm with you Mot..... technically the Conn Smythe goes to the "Playoffs MVP" so it takes their entire playoff season into consideration but you are correct...... if your team didn't hoist the Cup..... you shouldn't win the MVP award......

Pretty cool that Okposo was the 3rd guy to get the Cup after Barkov and Brobovsky...... Now do it right Kyle and take a couple weeks and decide that the career is over...... can't go out any better than that.

Does anyone really want to see the Sabres draft a guy at 11 this year???? Move the pick for a piece that will help turn this forever journey into an actual playoff appearance......

Anyone surprised that Alexander Mogilny was passed over yet again for induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame????


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 25 1:36pm ET
No doubt McDavid is the best player in the NHL/world and had a great playoff run. But…. I just have a problem with the playoff MVP award going to a player on the losing team.

I know it not unprecedented but that doesn’t change my mind on the issue. I’ve long argued for a change in the award title to “Most Outstanding Player” as opposed to Most Valuable Player. This would remove the onus of the team winning due to how “valuable” a player was to the team’s success.

Maybe a technical argument or semantics but awarding the MVP to a player on the losing team just doesn’t register with me. I believe the player who played the best on the winning team should get the award. We all know McDavid is the best and had a great series but his team lost.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 25 9:35am ET
Yes very entertaining game. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the fans in Calgary were not rooting for Edmonton and the fans in Boston were not rooting for Florida.

Remotely Working (Brendan / Griffin) Tue Jun 25 9:28am ET

Great game last night. Reino gets the Stanley Cup GWG because of course he does. Will Canada ever win a cup again?? 4 of the 5 last NHL SCF game 7s involve a Canadian team losing - Calgary in 2004, Edmonton in 2006, Vancouver in 2011 and Edmonton last night. 


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sat Jun 22 8:52am ET
As to Draisaitl.... It really isn't very often that he is on the same line as McDavid. He is definitely a play driver in his own right. If you won't give me top 5 player would you at least agree to top 5 offensive player????
Commissioner Fri Jun 21 8:41pm ET
OK - that saucer pass from Draisaitl was sick.

Commissioner Fri Jun 21 12:44pm ET
BTW, I would be remiss to not also compliment Joe and Cecere on a fine effort as well in the member member! As Bills fans, we should all be aware of that! Great job to the four of you guys!

Also, just heard on the radio this morning that Draisaitl may be playing with some kind of an injury that is hampering him. If so, that may explain some of my thoughts in my previous post. Of course I am paying more attention to him now than during the regular season.

Commissioner Fri Jun 21 7:18am ET

I have that same thought about Draisaitl.  I hardly ever notice him doing anything.  The points seem to come out of nowhere, whereas McDavid is obviously electrifying upon first glance and all through the game.  


Commissioner Thu Jun 20 7:54pm ET

I just cannot wait until Friday night to watch Game 6.  When the series started I said I would be happy with either team winning.  Would be happy for the former Sabres on Florida, and happy for McDavid to get a Cup.  But as things have unfolded I find myself rooting hard for Edmonton.  Question - is Draisaitl really one of the top 5 players in the world?  He's of course a great player, well more than a point a game for his career.  But when I watch him I don't see amazing things very often.  He's had five seasons of 100+ points but four of those were between 105 and 110 points.  Playing with McDavid must make it at least a bit easier to pile up some points.  Hockey guys on here - does he deserve the lofty rating Kip has bestowed upon him?


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jun 19 11:18am ET

RIP Willie Mays...... one of the best to ever play the game.... of course only Rod JWS and myself are old enough......

Edmonton is making a series out of it..... really believe Florida would have liked to have ended it last night...... Edmonton has 2 of the 5 best players in the game on their roster...... that has to concern you if you are the Panthers.....

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 18 9:13pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 18 9:17pm ET
Well, due to the scoring system in day 2 of this tournament, 2 man aggregate with 100% handicap it’s hard to know where you are as you’re playing. Joe and Tom had the overall lead after day 1 with us 2 back. Les played really well for both 9s, I struggled on the front but played well on the back.

Joe and Tom had several really good holes and a couple not so good holes on both 9s. I knew we were close but thought neither one of us had a good chance at winning it. But when the scores were tallied Les and I were tied with Joe and Tom at a total score of 212.

The tie went to a sudden death playoff on 18 and Les and and were able to win the hole with a combined aggregate score of 8 to Joe and Tom’s combined aggregate score of 10. It was a great time and an intense playoff in front of the gallery. All 4 of us had our heart rates up considerably on the 18th hole looking at about 50 people watching at the 18th green.

Great stuff!!

Commissioner Tue Jun 18 7:15pm ET

Rod and Les, major props for the Oaks win!  Any time one of our esteemed group wins a title it is cause for celebration!  I would like a summary of the events on the back nine that arrived at the sudden death.  and then of course a blow-by-blow of the sudden death hole.  In as much detail as you care - maybe others would be bored but I love that s#$t!\


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 18 10:01am ET
Thanks JWS!! It was a great weekend!! And yes the out of town owners legal counsel really dropped the ball on the NYS liquor license. I fear 2025 will be the beginning of the end for the River Oaks experience as it has been for the last 35 years. I don’t have a good feeling at all about this new out of state ownership team.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 18 9:39am ET
The guy has always been a smug unlikable person in my opinion. I had no use for him long before this dumbass LIV thing. And why is his 10 year drought any different from anyone else who hasn’t won a major in a while or came close but never has won a major?? Who cares that he hasn’t won a major in ten years?? Play better!!

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Tue Jun 18 9:31am ET

Interesting article....


Rory pulling out of the Travelers this week is a disaster for the PGA.  It's a limited field, no-cut "Signature Event" (ala LIV, only they don't do a shotgun start and DO get OWGR points.)  It was already a trainwreck - with their poster boy being a sore loser, on his plane before Bryson even signed his card - but to do dump a big PGA Tour event may even be worse.

I really don't want to beat a dead horse, but in history's reflection, LIV has already won.  Not because they are a better tour, etc.  But they exposed the failures of the PGA Tour, which was always the point of Norm and Mickelson.  Rory is having a breakdown because he finally has realized it.  Missing a 4-footer was just the straw that broke the Irishman's back.


Commissioner Tue Jun 18 8:47am ET

PROPS! are certainly awarded to Mot and Les--great job guys--I would have liked to be part of that big gallery witnessing your sudden death win!  What's the inside scoop on the sale of River Oaks recently?  Mot, how do you feel about this and what do you expect to be the implications of this?  I went there the other night and they did not have their liquor license yet (that was some bad due diligence work on the part of the lawyers for the purchaser, I must say!!).  But we got 20% off on our food bill.  Stay cool gents; be careful in this heat and avoid overexertion.


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Mon Jun 17 1:04pm ET
Yes the US Open last round had just about everything in it except a golf cart in the creek on the 10th hole.,,, Bryson’s up and down on 18 was amazing and made up for some erratic play down the stretch.

Rory once again reinforced my dislike for him by storming out of the clubhouse and leaving the course without the obligatory interviews with the network. I know it’s never easy to lose, especially when it’s pretty much self inflicted.

But a big part of being a premier professional athlete is being able to face the media after a tough loss like a man, not like a sniveling little brat. Oh well, that’s what I always thought he was anyway.

Thanks for the congrats Kip and Martee! It was a special feeling to finally win that tournament after 25 years of trying. A great two rounds of golf by Les and some timely help from me without any bad blowups led us to the Member/Member championship. Props to Joe Burns and Tom Cicere for a great time playing together in the last round and an exciting sudden death playoff on the 18th hole in front of large gallery.

Remotely Working (Brendan / Griffin) Mon Jun 17 9:23am ET

Best U.S. Open I can remember. The course, the drama, the choke job, one of the best up-and-downs in golf history. Amazing.

30 years ago today was the OJ Bronco chase.


Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Sun Jun 16 7:42pm ET

Congrats Mot and Les!  That's awesome.


And what a finish to the U.S. Open.  It was Un-beLIVable.



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sun Jun 16 5:52am ET

Congrats to Rod and his partner Les for taking the member member tourney yesterday in a sudden death playoff on the 18th hole....... My bet is that more than a few beers were downed yesterday!!!

Looks like you just picked the wrong LIV guy Martee....... Dechambeau has played solid golf thru 3 rounds...... can he make it 4??????

Happy Fathers Day to all of you dads out there.......

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Thu Jun 13 9:37am ET

My choices for the U.S. Open.

Cam Smith

Brooks Koepka



(1) The Ecstatic & The Abandoned (Matto / Joe) Tue Jun 11 6:03pm ET

He's probably all fired up I havent got him a fathers day gift yet. Oh wait I cant give him one because he moved to FL and abandoned me here.

As for the stanley cup, I think the panthers are just far too deep for a top heavy Oilers team to handle. There are times when Edmonton looks to be controlling the pace and playing well, then their defense pisses down their own legs and has a bad breakdown for a stupid goal. I hope Edmonton can extend the series to 6 or 7 games, but florida might be too good. 


Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Tue Jun 11 4:40pm ET

You're an angry elf.



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 11 4:39pm ET
The more I think about it, we have been watching the best AHL team in the country right here in Buffalo!! Yes our very own Buffalo Sabres have proved to be the best development team for NHL teams. Just look at all the players who cut their teeth right here with this minor league franchise and are now doing great things in the NHL. Amazing!!

Yes Kip, somebody definitely pissed in someone’s corn flakes today lol!!!

Hunter will take a plea to the tax trial coming up. Too much damaging evidence linking sleepy Joe to all of his international and domestic criminal activities

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 11 4:04pm ET

I'll admit I was a little surprised Hunter was found guilty even though the evidence was pretty straight forward and overwhelming.......

Anybody else catch the clip of Uncle Joe at the Juneteenth Festival having no idea what he was doing there?  Or how about the one of him getting out of the limo in Normandy and just staring completely immobile for a good 20 seconds.

Good to know Dr. Jill was able to be in Normandy then fly back to the states to attend a day of Hunter's trial and then immediately fly back to Normandy..... all on our taxpayer dime.......

That's all I got from the right right now Matto but at least its a start!!!!!

Stoner..... Our 10% discount for the website requires payment this month.... Are you going to be able to make it to the Canadien Compound and unearth enough of your stash to cover the bill?

How about those Panthers????? Another former Sabre stepping up in a clutch situation......

(1) The Ecstatic & The Abandoned (Matto / Joe) Tue Jun 11 2:24pm ET
Martee, with as much respect as I can muster, that post was idiotic. Shove your social experiment. I guess we should all know by now that you’re the only unemotional “critical thinker” with 100% virgin takes on the board. I meant what I said and you implying I’m just part of the herd is frankly, offensive. I guess it’s just impossible for you to get it through your head that some people actually despise what LIV is about. Whatever. If you don’t like it and feel the need to educate us on why we’re wrong… it. I don’t give a shit what you have to say on the matter. You’re wrong! As much as I am. As in opinions differ!!!!

Now, can you or Mot regurgitate every talking point the far right puts out and post it on the board….again, and again, and again, and again, and then maybe once again a couple more times….please? I’ll follow up with a take on my Cowboys to offset each one. 😘

Thank you,
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 11 10:51am ET
Absolutely Martee!! Spot on with every example. It’s funny how the Saudis participate in several world sporting events and host many major international sporting events and yet I never heard a word from anyone about the “evil Saudis”. That is until LIV came along.

Now I’m certainly no fan of the entire Mid East region as they are the source of most of the mayhem in the world. But only with the inception of the LIV tour have I heard the vitriol at this high level directed at Saudi Arabia. I guess certain powers that be get upset when they have to pay their players more to keep them. And still make millions…..

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Tue Jun 11 10:33am ET

Funny, I never said I "sympathized for the LIV guys."  I don't.  They're winning in the game of life.  I feel bad for viewers (like me) who want to see the best play in the Major tournaments.  And judging by the ratings, I'm not alone.  My post shows that the OWGR is a joke.  It is purely political.  Luckily, I think it will go away.  And when it does, it'll be another thing the PGA Tour ruined.

But that wasn't the only reason for my post.

I knew I could count on Matto.  My post was not just to communicate information - but a social experiment.  Matto regurgitated the exact line that the PGA Tour propaganda machine has pumped.  I copied and pasted my post to other outlets and your response is nearly verbatim to others who dislike LIV. "They knew the risks." "They knew the consequences." "I don't feel bad for them." "They got what they deserved."  Nothing about the substance of my post.  Just feelings.  And feelings they were "told to have" by different media outlets, all controlled by the PGA Tour, over and over again.

It's a commentary on the "stay to your story" mentality, no matter the evidence contrary.  This is today's America.  Take a position and stick with it no matter what. 

There are many examples - Russia Collision, Border Crisis, Government Censorship, President's Biden's health - but the worst is the COVID "vaccine" (which can't be called a vaccine anymore.)  All those who took it, pushed it, shamed others into getting it OR vilified those that didn't.  Where are they now?  Where are they now that we know how ineffective and unnecessary it was for anyone healthy and under the age of 65?  That the vaccine was far worse, than helpful, for those young and healthy.  

So thank you for participating in the post.  It's true...propaganda does work...and it sticks.


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Mon Jun 10 9:32pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 11 9:34am ET
I don’t feel bad for any of the guys on LIV tour, cripes they are making huge cash and still playing in the majors. If Martee’s numbers are correct on the LIV players (I’m sure they are) then this simply renders the world rankings as a joke.

Can’t wait for Hunter to be acquitted. He obviously shouldn’t be but nothing surprises me anymore.

Gotta love far left CNN and headline of “Israeli hostages released”. They claimed it was a chyron graphic misspelling. Yeah right!! Anything for the terrorists… that’s CNN.

If the Sabres want to keep fan interest they better trade their 1st round pick. I’m sick of hearing about some Russian kid that will be an impact player in 2030.

(1) The Ecstatic & The Abandoned (Matto / Joe) Mon Jun 10 11:09am ET
As my good friend, Oder, likes to say…. “They knew the risks.” I don’t feel the least bit bad even for a second for any of the LIV players. Too bad for them.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Mon Jun 10 9:41am ET

Seriously, just be open-minded for a quick second.  Golf World Ranking Points system.  The sole reason why some great golfers aren't playing in the U.S. Open this week. 

These were points awarded just this weekend. I only show the top award, but guys who finished down the list also got points.

- Scheffler awarded 70 points for winning the Memorial.  Small field, 70 players. 

- Ryan Gerard.  Had to double check the spelling of his name because I have no clue who he is.  Awarded 13 points for the BMW Charity Pro-Am Korn Ferry Event this week.  Need I say more?

- Calum Hill and Sebastian Soderberg get 11 points each for DP Tour Volvo event...for...wait for it...tying for second place...because a woman won it!  It was a mixed event where ladies played from different tees!

Then there was 6 points for an Asian Tour stop winner; 6 points for another DP Tour stop in Spain; KPGA Championship (Korea tour) event for 5 points; Sunbet Challenge, an African Tour event for 3 points; Japan Create Challenge, a Japan tour thing for 2 points...still going...

Bowood, which was a Clutch Pro Tour (CPT) stop, the CPT seems to only play in England...I'm not kidding it's a real thing and the winner got 1 World Ranking Point.  I have never even heard of it and really thought it was made up; Not done yet...Samso Pro Am which was for the Nordic Tour, 1 point; And the Royal Homburger Open, the ProGolf Tour, 1/2 point....which was played on a par 66 golf course, and they only played three's not stretch to think I could compete on this tour.

So, can someone tell me for the love of God....why this weekend's LIV Tour event...featuring 48 guys that I actually know ALL by name, where you can easily argue that 14 are part of the best 50 in the world...5 in the top 10 of the ZERO points?!

I'll answer.  Politics and money.  Nothing to do with golf at all.  And it's a crime, not just for the golfers but for those who want to watch the best.



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jun 4 9:19pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 4 10:28pm ET
As to the senate/house hearings I watch them as well. There was a time when lying to Congress under oath (perjury) was a serious crime with serious ramifications. Not anymore. It’s common. This administration isn’t the first one to routinely lie to congress but they’ve certainly taken it to an unprecedented level.

Led by the despicable Mayorkas (even my friends on the other side of the aisle have to be disgusted by this congenital liar) to the highly partisan Garland to criminal Fauci, this crew smugly lies knowing they can get away with it.

As the NHL playoffs I’m rooting for Florida. So glad Dallas was eliminated.

As to the Sabres, just like I was the first one to correctly identify Diggs as a team problem/poison, I’m calling out Tuch as a potential problem. This guy last year often glided around the ice with a bored disinterested look on his face. He has the talent to dominate but knew he could loaf without any consequences. This will change under Ruff. I hope he responds.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Tue Jun 4 9:43am ET

Speaking of the Stanley Cup.  We're watching the Panthers in the Cup Finals again.  Kinda feels like watching the Sabres - Okposo, Reinhart, Montour, Rodrigues. 

So I got to thinking if those guys ever played together on the Sabres?

Turns out they did.  2018-2019 season.  Then I looked at the roster and saw a lot of familiar playoff names:

Okposo, Reinhart, Montour, Rodrigues, Eichel, Bogosian, Borgen, McCabe, Mittlestadt, Ulmark, Sheary.

That 2018-19 team also had Skinner, Pominville, Thompson.  And it was Dahlin's rookie year (he had the most points for defenseman with 44...besting Ristolainen by one point.)

They had a 10-game win streak!  And won their last two games of the year. So how the hell did they not even sniff the playoffs? (They finished with 76 points.)

Well...from Feb 15th to Apr 2nd they went 3-21. 

Now I remember why I forgot.


P.S. I'll be cheering for Okposo.  Nice guy.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Mon Jun 3 5:34pm ET

Fauci is the guy that the DOJ should have set their sites on over legitimate and real crimes against America...... but no...... He isn't the one leading in the polls against the sitting President.........

I will be honest..... I didn't watch any of the Dallas Edmonton game last night but if there is anymore proof needed that we didn't want to see the Dallas Stars in the Cup Finals it's that Edmonton had all of 10 shots on goal for the entire game...... what a boring brand of hockey the Stars were playing....... Let's Go Panthers!!!!!!

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Mon Jun 3 2:38pm ET

Dr. Fauci on the Hill today...this is the ACTUAL exchange.  You can look it up if you didn't watch it. 

Context - Dr. Morens, the Senior Scientific Advisor at the NIH during COVID, is the guy the NIH is now throwing under the bus because he had a lot of really bad emails exposed (ducked FOI requests, helping friends get grants, including the Wuhan/Eco Alliance folks, etc.)


Congressman, "Dr. Morens testified that he could walk into your office anytime he wanted to.  Is that true?"

Fauci, "No. That's not true. You just don't walk into the office. I mean he's there..."

Congressman, "Did he ever walk into your office?"

Fauci, "I would say he did occasionally."


And you wonder why this guy isn't trustworthy or anyone who has been a career bureaucrat.  I watch these Hill Hearings all the time and they are a joke (for both sides.)



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri May 31 11:29am ET

Tough to add much more to what the two of you have already said...... the decline of this once great country is frightening.  Spot on Martee about the welfare country that we have become....... the party currently in power isn't stupid though...... they realize that as long as the handouts and free passes continue....... they will keep increasing their voter pool....... Very very sad and scary........

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri May 31 11:14am ET
“Elections have consequences”. So true. And when these people who hate this country as it’s presently constructed are elected into office the decline of the USA starts. It’s underway now and the ironic (and sad) part of this is some people who don’t want this to happen contribute to it due to their blinding hatred of Trump.

The label universally assigned to these people, who unwittingly advance an agenda they don’t necessarily agree with is “Useful Idiots”. Unfortunately there are a lot of them …..

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Fri May 31 10:13am ET

There are things this country has to be proud of - work ethic, medical system, education, voting process, and justice system.  Unfortunately, over the last 3 years:

  • Our welfare system is on such a massive scale that is bankrupting our States and Federal government.  You are incentivized to NOT work.  I've known this firsthand (through wife's employees) for the last 2 years.  Watch is completely accurate and sad... 
  • We do not, and for good reason, trust our medical establishment - FDA is 75% funding by big pharma; CDC, NIH, etc. get kickbacks from those they give grants (our tax money); and boards have cross-over pollination between pharma and government.  Not to mention advertising is dominated by pharma and "life/personal care" industry.  I say it singularly because this isn't just say Pfizer or Nova Nordisk, this is also Proctor and Gamble (they don't just make shampoo and soap, they also make drugs.)  This means they own the media.  When you own the media and the government, who have broken the system.  It is corrupt and untrustworthy.
  • From the NY Times - "In math, the United States ranked 28th out of 37 participating countries from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, made up mostly of industrialized democracies that account for a majority of world trade."  The US "overall" education system has always been ranked #1 in the world.  Last year it was ranked 31st.
  • More States are passing "no voter ID laws" and pushing for non-citizens having the ability to vote.  It gives power to other countries at the expense of ours.  How?  We become a tribal country.  Illegals settled into pockets, then run and elect people into Congress.  You then have Congressmen who are NOT representing the US first.  It is already happening.
  • Finally, the most important product of the United States since it was founded, is the Justice System.  This has been ripped apart.  When you can convict anyone (especially a political opponent) without due process, full capacity of defense, and charges that aren't have lost "justice."  Yesterday isn't the first example.  It has been happening since February 2021.  Yesterday just becomes the boldest and most publicized. 

Mot, I don't completely agree with you.  I don't this Country has died, but it is unhealthy and if doesn't start "eating better, exercising, taking its medicine" death will be here shortly.




Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri May 31 2:52am ET
It’s official. We are now a 3rd world country with people who hate America as it is in power. Trump will survive this travesty and run for the presidency but unfortunately will lose. They are in control now and if you thought it was bad during Covid you haven’t seen nothing yet.


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu May 30 8:08pm ET
But not unexpected

(4) Long-Term Deals (Jamie / Quinn) Thu May 30 6:51pm ET
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed May 29 12:21pm ET
I don’t Stoner but I see him from time to time in the Gun Club and can give him your number.

Commissioner Mon May 27 10:37pm ET

Hey Boys, anyone have contact info for Paul Proctor?


Commissioner Sat May 25 8:14pm ET

Hey Boys, anyone have contact info for Paul Proctor?


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sat May 25 8:14pm ET
RIP Grayson Murray..... Gone way too young.....
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri May 24 10:33am ET
Good point Martee.

Black on Black crime: Silence.

Black on White crime: Silence.

White on White crime: Silence.

White on Black crime: Riots.

Thank you very much left wing media and poverty pimp shit stirrers like Al Sharpton and the America hating terrorist sympathizers who make up “The Squad” in congress.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Fri May 24 9:58am ET

Replace Scheffler with Harold Varner III (or Tiger.)

The streets would have been filled with protesters/mobs last night.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Fri May 24 9:14am ET

May 23, 2024.

The day college sports reached its final peak.  All downhill from here.



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri May 24 9:08am ET
Dallas loses!!! Yay!!! (Sorry Joe!)
