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Grand Island Football Pool Est. 2002
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jun 28 9:27pm ET
100% correct TW!!! The guy couldn’t get a job as a school bus driver. He hasn’t been our President the past few years and we all know it. The swamp runs the show and that’s why they hate Trump. Everyone in this league knows this but half won’t admit it.

(2) Wd (Tom / Bob) Fri Jun 28 2:28pm ET

Question for all esteemed colleagues here…

If Biden isn’t mentally and physically fit to run for re-election, and replacement of him as a candidate is on the table, how can he be fit to run the country through the end of his term?

The dem pundits are all missing the point that running the country is the most concerning item here, not his re-election bid. They’re only concerned about presidential politics, not the financial condition, immigration challenges, and the geopolitical status of our country. 

IMO, if he needs to be replaced as a candidate, he needs to be replaced as President. 


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jun 28 11:47am ET
Edited: Fri Jun 28 11:47am ET
Agreed Martee. The only time Biden was on point was when he launched into his scripted attacks on Trump. I mean it’s easy to attack someone you hate, it’s a lot more difficult to articulate policy when you’re as mentally addled as Biden.

As to the “Trump lies” mantra, it’s all he has as he cannot defend his awful record/ performance in office. And I find it absolutely hilarious that a lifelong serial liar like Biden stands there and calls Trump a liar. Now that is truly hilarious!!!!

PS: Props to Tapper and Bash for putting aside their well documented hatred for Trump and conducting a fair and professional debate.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Fri Jun 28 11:31am ET

Mot, I agree (for the most part) on your take.  Trump should have done a better job - and had he - it would've been a rout.  His biggest miss(es) for me were just not answering the question asked.  I don't mind a rebuttal before your answer OR pivoting halfway through, but he should've just answered then done those tactics.  He has the answers (I've heard them) - just got sucked into rebuttals.

With that said, I watched MSNBC and CNN post-debate, and watched NBC early this morning.  The haven't really defended Biden's performance and did pass along the "panic" of the Democratic party.  My biggest problem is the spin on Trump. 

Once again, they are ALL saying the exact same thing. "Trump had so many lies" "Trump just had lie after lie" "Trump had a torrent of lies" etc.  But NONE of them said what the lies were.  Sure, I'd say there were definitely times that Trump exaggerated or dotted his sentences with superlatives - but flat out lies?  Journalism continues to be dead....just like the Biden campaign.



Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Fri Jun 28 12:25am ET
To analyze this debate in football terms: It should’ve been a 35 to 3 win for Trump. But I’m my opinion it was a 27 to 10 win for Trump.

Biden was rambling and mumbling and the split screen really hurt him. But I thought he had a couple strong “debate moments” when he attacked Trump. But on the relevant issues he was very weak and it showed.

Trump on the other hand “fouled off” several softballs instead of hitting them out of the park. Too many times the KO punch was there to be landed and he brought a jab or a miss. This could’ve and should’ve been a rout but it in my opinion was a win for Trump but not the blowout it should’ve been.


Trump: B-

Biden: D+

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 11:10pm ET
Trump has got no shortage of BS and self aggrandizing rhetoric but Biden calling anyone, even Trump a LIAR is hilarious!!’

Step aside Joe. It’s over. Newsome is warming up in the bullpen.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 4:50pm ET
So GMKA is accumulating more draft capital..... Hopefully with the intent to package it with prospects to acquire NHL caliber quality help....but my concern is that they will simply use all the picks and continue kicking the can down the road....
Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 8:59am ET
Sorry…. I don’t know how I did that (again) but that’s obviously an old post that I accidentally posted again. Disregard.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jun 27 6:31am ET
Skinner getting honored tonite for 1000 games in NHL. I’m sorry, nothing against Skinner but I just done see playing 1000 NHL as any real big deal. I mean ok, the player managed to hang in the NHL for 12 or 13 seasons.. fine, ok nice job.

But a special night before the a game to honor 1000 games played?? Nope. Not in my opinion. Maybe 1000 points. Maybe 500 goals. But not 1000 games played in the NHL.
