Guest of the League
Grand Island Football Pool Est. 2002
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
(1) The Ecstatic & The Abandoned (Matto / Joe) Thu Jul 18 9:29am ET

Something fishy is going on with the shooting attempt on 45 saturday. Unless the director of the SS is that incompetent, which I find it hard to believe, there was some kind of cooperation with the shooter or complete willful ignorance on their part.

This guy arrived with a ladder, rangefinder, rifle, a remote detonator, and a car with a bomb in it, and he was allowed to gain access to a roof less than 500 yards away from the stage and fire at a former president. There is absolutley no way this was just a mistake or something that was missed. 

How is not every rooftop within a mile not locked down. 450 yards is roughly the distance of the 4th hole at river oaks. How is that possible someone can gain access to a large warehouse roof with all of that shit on him, spend over 30 minutes on that roof, take shots at the president, and then finally get taken out. Im not saying this Crooks guy was working with the government, but I am saying someone may have allowed Crooks to do this.

Inside job all day long.



Remotely Working (Brendan / Griffin) Thu Jul 18 8:54am ET
Edited: Thu Jul 18 8:55am ET

Joe cannot be the nominee. Everyone from the fringe left to the Pelosi/Obama/Jeffries/Schiff crowd knows it. They're not shy in hiding it. After the debate I thought sticking it out with Joe for better or worse would be preferable as the debate talk would not survive a few days of talking head chatter. NOPE. Democrats of every stripe have been relentless in making it front-page news almost every day. Which is why I now think Biden will ultimately not be the nominee - if these Dems knew there was no chance of him being replaced, they wouldn't be giving the Trump team free campaign fodder day in and day out. Trump is a uniquely unpopular politician and a wide swath of this country will be ready to raise their banners for Kamala Harris to stop him, myself included. Come on Dems - make this election about the convicted felon and not our senile octogenarian. Young people in Wisconsin will stay home if Joe is the nominee and I don't blame them. I better not hear one word about the Green Party if Dems really trot this man out in our republic's hour of need. Joe. Cannot. Be. The. Nominee. 

No hot takes here about the assassination attempt...I'm glad he missed. RIP to the innocent man he killed.


(4) Long-Term Deals (Jamie / Quinn) Thu Jul 18 8:46am ET

Here ya go Mot....a real-life, real-time mini-group observation....the Mrs. and I were hosting a party Saturday for 6 other couples down in PA, as 4 individuals from our core group of friends retired at the end of June.  While I was grilling someone said 'I just got a text that said Trump was just shot'.  I immediately went to 'X' and confirmed it, and within a scroll or two had the images of bloodied Trump and the actual video.  Our friends are all 5-15 years older than us, so they were opening ABC News app, CNN app, etc.  

In real time this is how it played out....while X was providing up to the second documentation of the event...

ABC News - "Donald Trump escorted off stage by SS during rally after loud noises ring out in crowd"

NBC News - "SS rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his PA rally"

USA Today - "Trump removed from stage by SS after loud noises startle former president, crowd"

There were more, but the glaring difference that I noticed play out in real time in our group was that our friends thought it was being misreported as an assassination attempt, and that he fell, etc after being startled.

X usage hit an all-time high Saturday with 417,000,000,000 user seconds (this is how it's measured).  In the US alone, it reached 93B user seconds, which was 23% higher than any other day.  X now has Community Notes for the platform to collaboratively add context to misleading posts - in both directions!  There really is no need to go to obviously biased media, unless you are interested in the biased, suppressed version of the news.  On a day like Saturday, I was glad to have access to an app like X that wasn't suppressing images, articles, or video.  It was actually quite comical (during a sad event) to see the stark contrast.

Remembering 'Our' RJ (Martee / RJ) Thu Jul 18 8:19am ET

Sometimes the distant perspective is's the timeline...

  • June 7th. Trump gets convicted.  His donations and polling numbers go up. Sentencing to by July 11th.
  • June 27th. Biden/Trump debate. Biden bombs and some question whether he should stay in race.
  • July 1st to July 11th. Biden does a few interviews and "big boy" presser. Says he's fine, had a bad night, and is fully committed to the race.
  • July 2nd. Judge moves sentencing to September.
  • July 13th. Attempted assassination of Trump.
  • July 17th. Biden has COVID and most top Democrats asking him to drop out.
  • ?????  Biden is out of the race...for some reason.
  • Sept. Trump is sentenced and rehash of conviction.
  • Sept. Debate with new candidate.

Some things are just too coincidental not to be orchestrated.


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Thu Jul 18 6:15am ET

What a great speech last night by the 98 year old WWII veteran....... Is it any wonder that they are referred to as The Greatest Generation?  Ready to reenlist when Trump wins the Presidency back!!!!!  He even had a few slip ups and mispronunciations just like Covid Joe.......

Another topic...... Open Championship....... I'll take Colin Morikawa.  Longshot..... How about Keegan Bradley making a statement!!!!!!


Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 17 8:31pm ET
Edited: Wed Jul 17 8:52pm ET
Joe has Covid….. and so it begins… he doesn’t know it but the process to replace him has begun.

PS: Joe didn’t know his Director of Secret Service is a woman… Not surprising.

Finally….. A former President survives an assassination attempt by less than a centimeter and not one post from what I consider a very intelligent group of people who follow current events. I hope everyone who hasn’t posted have been too busy to post about it. I certainly don’t want to think nobody cares….

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 17 8:12am ET
Like most of the other cabinet members and agency heads in this administration she’s a total embarrassment. They stare right at you and lie thru their teeth with impunity knowing full well they have nothing to fear at all and will keep their jobs.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Wed Jul 17 5:01am ET

Now she has said in an interview with ABC News...... Well... You was a sloped roof so there is a safety factor there and we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof!!! She just keeps digging the hole deeper every time she does one of these media friendly interviews.  Biden won't fire her and these investigations will drag on...... but in a bit of an ironic twist..... Trump will get to fire her when he is elected President.......

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Tue Jul 16 4:51pm ET
It was quite relieving to see Trump’s Secret Service protection detail comprised of all men who stood at his height or taller as he arrived at the convention last night. Gone were the DEI hires who all lacked the physical size and strength to be effective in protecting Trump.

This was a total failure on every level from the Secret Service but as we’ve seen from this administration nobody is ever held accountable for their failures and incompetence. I find it hard to believe the Director of the Secret Service will survive this debacle but with this bunch in the White House she probably will.

Weekend at Fettermans (Rod / Kip) Sun Jul 14 10:16pm ET
Edited: Sun Jul 14 10:19pm ET
Les and I proudly wore our Trump golf shirts today at Oaks and Brick. Several people, most strangers can up and complimented us and shook hands in support of what we were doing. And it while it was in support of Trump it was also in support of unity and the trying to lower th craziness going on in our country.

Both sides bear responsibility for this but what really has to stop are the slanderous attacks on Trump saying he’s an “existential threat to democracy”:: and he’s as bad as Hitler and he’s a Putin ally. These are all lies and they know it but don’t care. And now some confused mentally ill young person is dead and Trump was a 1/4 inch from being killed.

I’ll be the first to say back off on the heated rhetoric to my side of the aisle. I also challenge the other side to cure themselves of their sick “Trump Derangement Syndrome “ and do the same. To me it’s obvious even before yesterday where most of the hate is coming from so to both sides I say dial it down.
