Guest of the League
Invitational Fantasy Football League Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

Lineup Changes

B-Team - Brian Bennet

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Bed, Bath, & Bijan - Connor Douglas

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Bourbon Boyz - Sean Crum

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Chefferson - Jeff Brister

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Cleveland Brownies - Ryan Cavanaugh

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Danny's DeVito - Danny Rupert

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Dirty Bananas - Blake Stembridge

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Fal-Cans - Jay Maurice

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Going Commando - Harold Blackwell II

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

HomeDepot - Dan Perrigo

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

HUH? - Chuck Delorme

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Jay's Commished - Scott Lillich

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

JimBrown - Michael Knopf

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Marino Magic - Melissa Ruggieri

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Purple Reign - Dan Keeley

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Ref's Best Guess - Jonathan Woodham

No starting lineup changes performed this week.