
Couch Potato FFL
League ID
Guest URL
Full Season - Gold
2024 Paid
mark julianelle



The rules set forth in this document cannot be altered during the course of the regular NFL season. Requests for rule changes are to be made to The Commissioner in writing (CouchPotatoFFL@aol.com) for discussion at the following season’s drafting session.

1) Ten Teams.

2) The season is comprised of the 18 weeks of the regular season.

3) The winner is the owner whose team amasses the most points over the 18 week season.

4) 190.00 per franchise: Franchise Fee

5) 15.00 per franchise: Waiver Wire Fee


1) The draft session will be held on Sunday, September 1st, 2023, 3:00-3:30PM-start time.

2) Each franchise must bring the funds (as outlined above) that night, or send them via United States Postal Service before the third week of the season. Cash or check is acceptable. Failure to submit the total amount of funds may result in suspension of activity on the website.

3) Each franchise must have a name for their team before the draft begins.

4) Any rule change requests will be discussed and voted on at the draft session. Rule change requests should be presented to the Commissioner in writing prior to the draft. The budget proposal will also be presented and voted upon.

5) NEW DRAFT ORDER(modified for 2022 Draft)-Teams pick their draft slot. Team that won previous year picks draft position first then 2nd place team, 3rd place team on down. New teams will pick their draft position after returning teams have--according to who joined the league first). (modified for 2014 Draft-No longer used starting 2022). Each owner picked two Major League Baseball teams (one AL, one NL). The owner with the two baseball teams with the highest winning percentage at 9:00AM on Labor Day Monday will have the #1 FFL pick. The team with the second highest winning percentage at that time will have the #2 FFL pick, and so on. In the case where two (or more) sets of MLB teams have the same exact winning percentage, the tie breaker will be the winning percentage for those two (or more) sets of MLB teams for their past ten games. If a tie still exists, then the percentage for those teams' last eleven games, and so, until the tie(s) no longer exists.

6)( Modified for 2023-Holdover player is only 1 player from round 10 til the end of draft. All other rules for holdover stay in place. New owners/teams do not have a holdover option since they did not draft the previous year.) **(changed to the above starting 2023-Each franchise is allowed to hold over two players from the previous year. For a player to be eligible for hold-over, one player had to be picked in rounds 7-10, and the other had to be picked in rounds 11-18 in the previous year's draft.) (Modified for 2023 season-Onwer can hold over player traded to him from rounds 10 to end of draft--must be on roster the whole season.)**(modified to above for 2023 season-An owner can also choose to hold over a player traded to him, provided that player was chosen in rounds 7-10 or 11-18 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR'S DRAFT.)** Players acquired via the Waiver Wire are NOT eligible for hold over, even if that player was originally drafted in the 7th round or later. If an owner chooses to hold players, said owner will not pick a player or players in the rounds in which those held players were chosen in the previous year's draft. A player can only be held over for one season. In the case a new owner joins the league, that owner is not eligible to hold over a player until his second year. Each owner will announce his hold-over player prior to the number one draft choice.


1) Each team will draft the following positions:

Quarterbacks, Running Backs, Wide Receivers, Tight Ends, Kickers, Defensive/Special Teams***(edited for2024-Defense/special teams no longer started-in its place an extra flex-RB,WR, or TE.)

The total number of players drafted per team will be 18 players. Any number of players of any position can be drafted. However, all owners should have enough players to meet at least the Starting Team's requirements. The composition of the roster can be viewed below.(****MODIFIED FOR 2024-WE DRAFT 18 AND HAVE A ROSTER OF 18*****.Modified 2021 season--Draft 18 with a roster of 20--owners can pick two players from free agent list--no cost after draft but before week 1-must be texted to the commissioner and he will add to teams roster.).

2) The time limit per round will be 2 minutes per pick.

3) If time limit is exceeded, the next team in line will then be able to pick. Following that choice, we will go back to the team that was skipped.

4) Each owner, on the drafting portion of the website, can set warnings to be given when the time limit is being reached.

5) Once a player has been picked and logged, the next team's time period will begin. Break times (if any) will be determined at the draft.


Fantasy teams score points when their starters score in NFL games. Our league will use the results based on the website www.rtsports.com (which receives its stats from the NFL). The scoring plays and point values can be found below.

Statute of Limitations on Scoring Plays will be two weeks from the game in which the play occurred. What this means is the scoring of a play becomes "final" two weeks from when the game was played. If any owner sees any problem with any scoring play, it has to be brought to the attention of The Commissioner within two weeks of the game in which it occurred.

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Clarification on Fumble Recovery TDs by offensive players.

The website treats Fumble Recovery TDs by offensive players as rushing TDs. But our rules give certain positions bonuses for rushing TDs. Therefore, the commissioner may have to manually correct these scoring plays' points. Fumble Recovery TDs for offensive players will be scored to that offensive player as follows:

00-49 yard fumble recovery as 6 pts
50-110 yard fumble recovery as 10 pts
(Note: these are the same scoring plays for defenses)

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Clarifications for some of the Defensive Team scoring plays:***(edited 2024-Defense/spec teams no longer started.)

(A) Individual players are also awarded Defensive scores as well. For example, if you had the Chicago Bears as your Defensive Team and Devin Hester returned a kick-off for a TD, your Defense is awarded points. In the same example, if you had the Bears as your Defense AND Devin Hester as your wide receiver, you would score twice for this kick-off return. NO BONUS YARDAGE IS AWARDED TO INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS THAT SCORE ON PUNT RETURNS OR KICK-OFF RETURN TDS.

(B) A defense is not penalized for not getting the shut out if the opposing defense scores. Say, for example, the Patriots and Steelers are playing. And the final score is 10-7 in favor of the Patriots, but Pittsburgh’s 7 points came off of an interception return. The Patriots’ defense will still get credit for the shut out. However, if Pittsburgh's points came from a punt returned for a TD, that WOULD count against New England's defense as a score, and they will not be awarded points for a shut-out.

From the website's FAQ:
=============================================================================================***edited 2024--defensenolongerusedasastartingposition.******
Q: How does total points allowed by a defense work?

Total points allowed is the number points a team allows their opponent to score. Leagues have the option of only counting points allowed when the defense is on the field, however.

Points that ALWAYS count against a defensive team:
- Fieldgoals of ANY length for ANY reason
- Touchdowns, and accompanying extra point or 2-point conversion, of ANY length if scored by the opposing offense
- IF a league uses combined defense and special teams, punt returns, kickoff returns, blocked punts, and blocked fieldgoals for touchdowns, and accompanying extra points or 2-point conversions

If "Do NOT count points against the Defense if that team is NOT on the field at the time of the score." is checked, the following points do NOT count against a defensive team:
- Interception return for touchdown and and accompanying extra point or 2-point conversion
- Fumble return for touchdown and and accompanying extra point or 2-point conversion
- ANY safety for ANY reason
- IF a league uses separate defense and special teams, punt returns, kickoff returns, blocked punts, and blocked fieldgoals for touchdowns, and accompanying extra points or 2-point conversions
- "Do NOT count points against the Defense if that team is NOT on the field at the time of the score" IS checked for our rules
- Our league DOES use combined defense and special teams

(C) Missed FGs returned for TDs: a missed FG TD is an OFFENSIVE Special Teams TD (because the ball passes the line of scrimmage on the kick); the scoring for such a play, including the length of the score, is interpreted as a KICK-OFF RETURN TD (which may result in manual intervention by the Commissioner for adjustment).

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1) Starting rosters are to be entered into the league’s website. Players can be changed up to five minutes before that player’s game time. The website will not allow you to start a player where that player’s game has started. So say on Monday night an owner has two players that can start and that owner has one open starting spot for that position. That owner can decide at 8:55PM on Monday night which of those two players to start in that game.(Modified In cases where access to the website is unavailable, an owner can text the Commissioner for starting lineups and changes. However, the Commissioner cannot be responsible for busy signals or "no answers". If the main number (203-640-8969) is busy,(No longer used-and removed from the by laws  A message may be left on either voice mail system, and that system’s date/time will be official.) Starting line-ups can also be emailed to The Commissioner at CouchPotatoFFL@aol.com. Emails sent to any other email address(es) will not be accepted, and will be null/void. Line-up changes via messages (private or otherwise) on the website's message board are not allowed.

2) Line-up changes via telephone or email message must be definitive, and must come from an owner/co-owner of a team.

Examples of acceptable line-up changes:
(A) Please start Tom Brady at QB
(B) Please start Tom Brady at QB and bench Drew Brees
(C) Please start Steve Jackson at RB and bench C.J. Spiller
(D) Please start Matt Forte and Gio Bernard at RB

Examples of UNACCEPTABLE line-up changes:
(A) Please start Tom Brady if Drew Brees is listed as OUT
(B) Please start one my QBs that is not on a bye week
(C) Please make sure I have Matt Forte starting at RB
(all of the above are unacceptable because it is not the Commissioner's responsibility to manage someone else's team/players)
(D) Please start Gio Bernard at RB (unacceptable because two RBs have to be started - who gets benched and/or who starts with Gio Bernard?)
(E) This is Owner A. Owner B just called me and wants to start Tom Brady at QB.

3) There are a many weeks when the NFL's week starts on a day other than Sunday. For those weeks, owners who have players starting on non-Sundays can submit those players they wish to start in that game(s) up to five minutes prior to that kickoff, and submit the rest of their starting lineup before the deadlines as outlined in (1) above. Those owners who have nobody starting on non-Sundays may submit their starting rosters under the normal rules. (The reason for this is that injury reports for Sunday's games don't come out until Friday.)

If an owner has a player who is playing in a non-Sunday game and that player was on the previous week's starting roster, that player IS a starter for that non-Sunday game, unless the owner “reserves” that player prior to the non-Sunday kickoff. Similarly, if that player was NOT on the previous week's starting roster and the owner does not “activate” that player prior to that kickoff, that player DOES NOT start for that owner. The website will handle this. However, if an owner does not have access to the website and needs to make a change, he needs to make the call(s) as stated above.

4) THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE TIME FRAMES. The website will lock out any changes. Any voicemail or email messages received after the above times are considered overdue and void. If an owner does not update his starting roster via the website or the commissioner does not receive an owner's starting roster by the deadline, the previous week's roster will be used. It is not the commissioner's responsibility to notify any owner of any non-Sunday games, nor of any players’ bye weeks. It is also the owner's responsibility to ensure line-up changes are saved. The website logs each lineup change in a report, so an owner should review that AND their starting line-up on one of the many pages it would be available (scoreboard, roster report, etc.)

5) The website maintains a date/time log of all line-up changes.

6) In the event an owner phones in his starting line-up, the Commissioner will set that line-up via the website. This task may or may not be completed immediately, but will be done within a reasonable time frame.

7) STARTING WITH THE 2012 FFL SEASON: a 10th starting roster spot was added - a flex player, an additional RB, WR, or TE may be started.

8) edited for 2024-STARTING WITH 2024 FFL SEASON: a second flex player is started in the lineup-DEFENSE is no longer started--so no extra starting spot-which remains at 10.


At the draft, everyone contributes $15.00 to a Waiver Pool. This $15.00 buys each owner ***(modified-2021 season--175 wavier wire points for each team)- changed to the above(150 Waiver Wire points ($.10 per point).) Any unused balance of points will be forfeited. All fees collected for waiver wire points are added to the teams that "place" as described under "PRIZES" below.

The Waiver Wire will be open from 7:00AM Tuesday through 5:00PM Saturday.****UPDATED 2020-Wavier runs twice a week now--Thursday at 7 PM and Saturday 7 PM***UPDATED FOR 2024 SEASON--Waiver runs once a week on Thursday only.******Changed to Saturday only.

(rules and waiver wire deadlines prior to 2011 are no longer in effect and have been removed from the by-laws)

The RealTime Sports website handles blind bidding for waiver wire players.

(new rule for 2011 and beyond)
Players acquired via the waiver wire who may have already played in a non-Sunday game (prior to the waiver wire closing) are not eligible to start until their next game. In other words, an acquired player cannot be started in a game that has already been started.

PLEASE DO NOT USE EMAIL - emailed bids are no longer valid

2013 Rule Change - minimum bid changed from 20 to 10 points
2013 Rule Change - all Injured Reserve conditions have been removed from the rules (i.e. no more free IR moves)
2013 Rule Change - no more proxy bidding; what is bid is what is spent!                                                               *2021 Rule Change--wavier points raised to 175 from 150 (due to covid).
The minimum bid for a single Waiver Wire transaction is 10 points, however Owners should bid their MAXIMUM bid (i.e. the most they are willing to "spend" for a player) on the website. Owners MUST bid the minimum 10 points for each player.

If multiple owners bid on the same player, the owner with the highest bid will acquire that player. For example, The Dregs and The Terminators bid on the same player, The Dregs bids 40 points and The Terminators bid 50 points. The Terminators will acquire the player for 50 points.

If there are multiple bids on a single player and more than one owner has the same bid, the owner who has the lower point total in the overall points standings for that week will be awarded the player. For example, The Dregs and Godfather's Dream each bid 37 points on a player. The Dregs are in 6th place in the standings with 120 points, while Godfather's Dream is in 3rd place with 175 points. The Dregs would acquire the player. If owners are tied in the standings, starting QB points for the season will be used to break the tie. If a tie still exists, starting K points for the season will be used, then starting DT points for the season. If a ties STILL exists, a coin toss will break the tie.

Please note: The website MAY NOT break ties this way. It may award that player to whomever bid first. The Commissioner will have to override that tie-breaker by manually dropping and adding that player from/to the appropriate roster, based on the tie breaking system noted above.

Points can also be traded. The Waiver Wire will be open throughout the season.

If an owner bids an amount more than what is left in his account (I doubt the website will allow this, but just in case), the bid becomes null and void. The Commissioner is in charge of maintaining Waiver Wire accounts and will periodically provide balances or upon request, if such a report is not available on the website.


2013 Rule Change - the use of Injured Reserve (and free waiver wire acquisitions) has been eliminated from the league.  
*2021Rule Change--IR for Covid players only. If a player goes on Covid list--owner can put player on Covid IR--and pick up a player. Owner must text commissioner on group text and tell who is being put on Covid and picked up. When off Covid--player picked up must be dropped.

****2024 Rule Change-The use of IR is reinstated(player must be on NFL IR)--NO IR LIMIT BUT IF PLAYER COMES OFF IR-OWNER MUST DECIDE TO REINSTATE OR CUT PLAYER. Must be same position.
--ROSTER Change--We draft 18--but have a roster of 20--(modified 2022--two players may be picked up after draft but before start of season--owner basically has two free pickups that end at start of season-can play anytime during season) **(-Changed for 2022 season-two open spots that can only be used if a game is canceled due to covid--players must be drop after canceled game.)


1) If two or more owners wish to trade players, they may do so by proposing trades via the website OR by contacting the commissioner. In the event of a “verbal” trade proposal (as opposed to a “website” proposal), all owners involved must verify the trade with the commissioner via email (messages on the message board are not acceptable) for the trade to stand.

2) In the event of a "two-for-one" trade, where one team trades two players in exchange for one player:

- the owner receiving two players must make room on his roster by releasing a player (making him available on the "waiver wire")

- the owner receiving one player loses that roster spot (however, that spot can be filled through a Waiver Wire transaction or another trade)

3) Waiver Wire points can also be involved in trades.

4) Trades are allowed between Tuesday at 7:00 AM and Sunday at 12:45 PM.

5) There are no charges for trades.

6) Trading Deadline: No Trades are allowed after the first kickoff in Week 14 (this is the start of our FFL Playoffs). However, trades will be allowed for the week between the NFL's last regular season game and the first NFL Playoff game to allow owners an opportunity to acquire players for the playoff pool.


1) The prize funds are as follows (as dictated by the approved budget proposal):

1st Place: $650.00 + 50% of Used Waiver Wire funds
2nd Place: $250.00 + 30% of Used Waiver Wire funds
3rd Place: $200.00 + 20% of Used Waiver Wire funds

2) The Funny Money Categories are as follows:

MVP Game $25.00: most starting points for any position in a single game

Best Week Team $25.00: most starting points for a team in a single game

MVP Season $25.00: most starting points for a QB, RB, WR, or TE over the course of the season - 2012 eliminated

Best Starting Kicker $20.00: most starting points for a team’s kicker over the season (can be more than one player) - 2012 eliminated; 2013 reinstated with a $20 prize

Best Starting Defense $20.00: most starting points for a team’s defense over the season (can be more than one player) - 2012 eliminated; 2013 reinstated with a $20 prize****STARTING 2024 SEASON--THIS IS REMOVED SINCE DEFENSE NO LONGER STARTED.

New starting in 2013
$20 for QB with the most starting points
$20 for RB with the most starting points
$20 for WR with the most starting points
$20 for TE with the most starting points
(in case of tie for any of the above, the prize is split)

First Arrest $25.00: to the owner who has the first player arrested on his roster at the time of the arrest (the arrest has to happen after the first kickoff of the first game of season) - 2012 eliminated

3) Head to Head Competition: Our league holds head to head match-ups as a “funny money” type category. Each week, all teams compete against each other in double headers. Tie games are broken using starting QB, points then starting K points, and then starting DT points. If a tie still exists, a coin flip will determine the winner.(Head to Head playoffs changed to the ** bold print below in 2021) The six teams with the best records after 13 weeks will move on to the playoffs. If more than one team has the same record, the tie is broken using each owner's TOTAL SEASON STARTING points. If a tie STILL exists, the teams' total starting QB points for the season will be used to break the tie; then total starting K points for the season, then total starting DT points for the season, then a coin toss.****** UPDATED-2021-All teams make the playoffs--First round (week 15) the top two seeds get byes. The other 8 teams play each other- the two teams with most points that week advance. First week of playoffs is not head to head. The second and third round are head to head. The teams that advanced to second round play the first and second seeds(the team with the worse record plays the # 1 seed in second round.)****The two teams with the best records will receive a bye the first week of playoffs (Week 14 of the NFL), while 3rd place plays 6th place and 4th place plays 5th place. In the second week of playoffs (Week 15), 1st place plays the lowest seed left and 2nd place plays the other team left. Week 16 is the Championship Game, the winner of which will receive 300 chips.(changed from 225 to 300 chips starting 2024). During the playoffs, game ties will be broken the same as during regular season games (as described above). (2012 - increased prize from $100 to $225)****RULE CHANGE-Winner of head to head gets 300 chips and runner up gets 120.****

4) NFL Playoff FFL – After the NFL regular season is over and before the NFL playoffs begin, every owner will submit a roster of players (in accordance with regular roster guidelines) to the commissioner. That roster will stay in effect throughout the playoffs (no modifications will be allowed to a roster once the first NFL playoff game begins). The owner with the most points after the Super Bowl will win $25. Points will accumlate throughout the NFL playoffs.

5) The owner with the most points for a week wins a weekly prize of 10 chips. If there is a tie, the 10 chips will be split among the highest scoring teams.***edited 2024 season--weekly prize eliminated--weekly winner put towards head to head champ and runner up****


1) The website manages the tabulation of points. This used to be a task for the Commissioner and it was time consuming. With this responsibility lifted from the Commissioner’s duties, the Commissioner will pay a full franchise fee. The Commissioner is responsible for obtaining a website’s services and assuring payment is made to said website in a timely manner so as not to cause disruption to the operation of the league.

2) The Commissioner will be responsible for coordinating draft night and the post-season gathering, interpreting rules, logging weekly team lineups that are received by phone or email, researching point discrepancies, receiving and transmitting all correspondence between owners, maintenance of team statistics, maintenance of financial records, reporting of trades and transactions, processing waiver wire requests, general maintenance of the league’s website, and general accounting of the league.

3) Reports are available on the league’s website. It is the each owner’s responsibility to access and review reports.

4) The Commissioner will attempt to settle all disputes. However, he can be overruled by two-thirds majority vote (7 franchises). In the event a vote is taken, each franchise counts for one vote regardless of the number of owners of the franchise.

5) The Commissioner will have access to the league bank account and will be responsible for year-end payoffs. All financial matters will be handled by the Commissioner.

6) The website will keep track of all the Commissioner’s transactions, including line-up changes. In the event of a dispute, the website’s date/time stamp is official.

7) The Commissioner is responsible for recording requests for rule changes throughout the season and for presenting such requests at the following season’s drafting session.


Regular Season
NFL Week 1 thru NFL Week 14
Post Season
NFL Week 15 thru NFL Superbowl



Tie Breakers
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Total Points Scored in Games
  3. None
  4. None
Game Tie Breakers
Team owner selects 1 tie breaker players
Your commissioner will manually establish all playoff games


Roster Size
Roster Limits
Running Back018
Wide Receiver018
Tight End018
Defense/Sp Team018

Def/Special Teams
Combined as one unit
Injured Reserve
Up to 18 players may be placed on injured reserve
To be placed on I/R a player must be at least Injury Reserved on the official NFL injury report
Taxi Squad
League does not use taxi squad


Lineup Limits
Running Back2
Wide Receiver3
Tight End1
Flex ( RB WR TE )2
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruMon Sep 9 9:00pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 9:00pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 9:00pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 9:00pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 9:00pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 9:00pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 9:00pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 9:00pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 4 9:00pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 11 9:00pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 18 9:00pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 25 9:00pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 2 9:00pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 9 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 1Tue Dec 10 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 16 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 2Tue Dec 17 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 23 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 3Tue Dec 24 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 4Mon Dec 30 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 5 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 5Mon Jan 6 7:00am ETthruMon Jan 13 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 6Tue Jan 14 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 19 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 7Mon Jan 20 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 26 9:00pm ET
Playoff Week 8Mon Jan 27 7:00am ETthruSun Feb 9 9:00pm ET

Online Draft

Draft Rules
Scheduled for Sun Sep 1 3:00pm ET
Manually started by commissioner
18 rounds
2 mins per pick
Draft Order
#1 PowderChasers
#2 My Ball Zach Ertz
#3 Godfather's Dream
#4 Third and Long
#5 65 Toss Power Trap
#6 The No Shows
#7 Racing Rashee
#8 Big Gibbs
#9 Show Me Your TDs
#10 The Jewels of Jules

Free Agents

Player Adds
League uses a waiver wire to add free agents to a team
Waiver Wire
Players awarded Blind Bid Against FAAB
Season waiver budget $175
Minimum waiver bid $10
Maximum waiver bid $150
If bids are tied, the team with the fewest total points will be awarded the player
Teams may acquire a maximum of 10 players per waiver wire

Teams may not acquire players after their game has started
Waiver wires are suspended after Fantasy Playoff Week 5 / NFL Wildcard
Preseason Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit preseason waivers
Week 1 Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit week 1 waivers
In-Season Waivers
Submission deadlines: Sat @ 7:00pm ET
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Playoff Week 1
Playoff Week 2
Playoff Week 3
Playoff Week 4
Playoff Week 5
Playoff Week 6
Playoff Week 7
Playoff Week 8
Protected Free Agents
Not Used
Transaction Limits
All free agent transactions are suspended after Fantasy Playoff Week 5 / NFL Wildcard
Unlimited free agent adds by a team per week
Unlimited free agent adds by a team for the year
Player Contacts
League uses player contracts
Players are automatically released from rosters at the end of their contracts
League commissioner will set the length of each contract


Team owners may trade, but commissioner approval is required
Future Draft Picks
Team owners may trade future draft picks
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruSun Sep 8 12:45pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 15 12:45pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 22 12:45pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 29 12:45pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 6 12:45pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 13 12:45pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 20 12:45pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 27 12:45pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 3 12:45pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 10 12:45pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 17 12:45pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 24 12:45pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 1 12:45pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 8 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 1Tue Dec 10 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 15 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 2Tue Dec 17 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 22 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 3Tue Dec 24 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 4Mon Dec 30 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 5 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 5Mon Jan 6 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 12 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 6Tue Jan 14 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 19 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 7Mon Jan 20 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 26 12:45pm ET
Playoff Week 8Mon Jan 27 7:00am ETthruSun Feb 9 12:45pm ET
OffseasonMon Feb 10 7:00am ETthruSat Mar 1 12:00am ET
The league will be notified of completed trades

Rushing Scoring

Rushing TDs
6 pts for each rushing TD
6 pts for each rushing TD
Rushing 2XPs
2 pts for each rushing 2XP
Rushing Yds
0.20 pts for every 10 rushing yds beginning with 10 rushing yds
3 pts for every 100 rushing yds beginning with 100 rushing yds
Rushing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Rush
Not Used
Rushing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Rush
Not Used
Fumbles Lost
-1 pts for each fumble lost
Not Used

Passing Scoring

Passing TDs
6 pts for each passing TD
6 pts for each passing TD
Passing 2XPs
2 pts for each passing 2XP
Passing Yds
0.20 pts for every 20 passing yds beginning with 20 passing yds
3 pts for every 300 passing yds beginning with 300 passing yds
Passing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Attempt
Not Used
Not Used
Yds Per Completion
Not Used
% Completion Rate
Not Used
Passer Rating
Not Used
Passing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Pass
Not Used
Interceptions Thrown
-2 pts for each interception thrown
Pick 6s
Not Used
Not Used
Times Sacked
Not Used

Receiving Scoring

Receiving TDs
6 pts for each receiving TD
Receiving 2XP
2 pts for each receiving 2XP
Receiving Yds
0.20 pts for every 10 receiving yds beginning with 10 receiving yds
3 pts for every 100 receiving yds beginning with 100 receiving yds
1 pts for every 3 receptions beginning with 3 receptions
Yds Per Reception
Not Used
Not Used
Rec First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Reception
Not Used

Combined Yardage Scoring

Rush And Rec Yds
Not Used
Rush And Pass Yds
Not Used
Rush, Pass, And Rec Yds
Not Used

Kicking Scoring

Made FGs
3 pts for each made FG
1 pts for 50 to 85 yd FG
Made PATs
1 pts for each made PAT
Missed FGs
Not Used
Yd Missed FG
-2 pts for 0 to 34 yd missed FG
Missed XPs
-1 pts for each missed XP

Defensive Scoring

Fumble Return TDs
Not Used
Yd Fumble Return TD
Not Used
Int Return TDs
Not Used
Yd Int Return TD
Not Used
Not Used
Defensive ST TDs
Not Used
Yd Defensive ST TD
Not Used
Defensive ST Safety
Not Used
Pts Allowed
Not Used
D/ST Pts Allowed
Not Used
Yds Allowed
Not Used
Rushing Yds Allowed
Not Used
Passing Yds Allowed
Not Used
Not Used
Sack Yds
Not Used
Fumbles Forced
Not Used
Fumbles Recovered
Not Used
Fumble Return Yds
Not Used
Not Used
Int Return Yds
Not Used
Not Used
Turnover Return Yds
Not Used
Over On Downs
Not Used
Blocked FGs
Not Used
Blocked XPs
Not Used
Blocked Punts
Not Used
Not Used
Tackles For Loss
Not Used
Not Used
Passes Defensed
Not Used

Special Teams Scoring

Kickoff Return TDs
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
Yd Kickoff Return TD
2 pts for 75 to 110 yd kickoff return TD
Kickoff Return Yds
Not Used
Punt Return TDs
6 pts for each punt return TD
6 pts for each punt return TD
Yd Punt Return TD
2 pts for 75 to 110 yd punt return TD
Punt Return Yds
Not Used
Return Yds
Not Used
Punts Inside20
Not Used
XP Returns
Not Used
XP Safetys
Not Used
2XP Stops
Not Used
ST Fumbles Lost
-1 pts for each ST fumble lost
ST Fumbles
Not Used