
Arkie Connection Fantasy Football League
League ID
Guest URL
Full Season - Gold
2024 Paid
Keith Truitt


2017 Rules, updated as of 8/24/2017

General Information

1. Cost will be $100.00 for the season, which will cover meeting expenses and prize money. At least 50% must be paid by the start of the season. The balance is due by the 3rd week draft. Any team, which is not fully paid up by the 3rd week draft, will be ineligible for the “weekly money” until the balance is paid. 

2.  NFL pickem will have a cost of $10.00 that is due the day of the Draft.  The total sum of money that is put towards the pot will be given out to the best overall NFL pickem record (a tie-breaker will be used for 18th week only on a designated game).   Also 18th week high point (total starters points for 18th week only), cost is $10.00 and money is due the day of the draft.  The high point for 18th week will win the total pot. 

3. The money will be kept by a person designated as “treasurer.” The treasurer will disperse “weekly money” (team with the highest point total in the league each week - $25.00) as well as “purse” money to the winners after the conclusion of the Fantasy Bowl. Deductions will be made along the way for waiver cost’s incurred by each team (see waiver section), for weekly low-point ($5.00 weekly) and certain meeting expenses (draft board / subscription).

4. Franchise owners can, at their discretion, acquire the services of co owner. The co owner will be allowed to perform any team management duties (lineups, drafts, waivers, etc.) as the other owner wishes.  In the event that the original owner drops out of the league for any reason then that team will have the option of being managed by the co owner only.

5. Any dispute not covered by the rules will be resolved by a roll call vote of franchise owners with one vote per team.

6. Any provision herein can be changed by a simple majority vote of the franchise owners again with one vote per team.

Draft Procedures

1. All fantasy owners shall assemble before the 1st NFL regular season game at a designated time agreed upon by all owners (by vote if necessary) for the annual ACFFL fifteen-round draft. Once the draft time is agreed on, the draft will be held at that time (sharp). If a team owner is tardy, then that team shall be granted the number that picks last in each round they are tardy.  An owner can be represented by an assistant or proxy (in order to avoid this penalty), but not by someone who is already involved with another franchise.

2. The draft order shall be randomly determined by a drawing overseen by the commissioner. The draft will be a serpentine draft in which each participant is awarded a pick position in each odd round of the draft, with the order reversed for each subsequent even numbered round. Each participant’s pick position will remain the same throughout the entire draft. Example….. 1,12,1,12,1,12,1,12 and so on.

3. Each participant will have 1.5 minutes to make each draft selection. At the end of the allowed time, a selection must be immediately made, or that team will be deemed to have “passed” (that pick) until the end of the round. (If the team is drafting last in a round, that team passes to the end of the next round.)

4. All draft picks are final. NO EXCEPTIONS. Don’t expect another owner to come to your rescue when you mistakenly draft an injured or dropped player. If you picked him, you keep him and you have to put up with the grief that will be directed your way. You can however, drop a player at the end of the draft, and replace him.

5. The “keep your mouth shut” resolution. (Is what’s his name starting this year? Is that guy still injured?) The owners should have their homework done prior to coming to the draft, and should not make these comments. The other owners are encouraged to play dumb (or even lie) when these questions are asked (whether they know the answers or not).

6. The divisions will be determined by a random drawing overseen by the commissioner (drawing not associated with the random drawing for draft pick positions). The divisions will be aligned as follows: 

Earth Division 1,2,3,4
Wind Division 5,6,7,8 
Fire Division 9,10,11,12

7. A supplemental draft will be held after the 3rd and 7th/or 8th week of the season (the week that misses the pheasant hunting trip to South Dakota).  This is for anyone wishing to replace injured or poorly performing players on their rosters. In each case, the draft order will be determined by reverse order of team records to date. In case of identical records, the team with the fewest first team points will draft first. If first team points are identical also, the backup points will be used as final tiebreaker. Teams not represented at the supplemental draft will be allowed to add a player via supplemental draft or waiver wire, but the absent team will be moved to the very end of the order (after the meeting is over) and will be charged an $5.00 fee for performing the transaction.

8. Trading of players will be permitted from the 1st thru the 8th/week among team owners.  When the week 9 Thursday night game of the week kicks off the trade deadline has passed.  Online trades will be permitted during all weeks with the exception of supplemental draft weeks (week 3 and 7 or 8).  Trades at supplemental drafts will take place in person for free, with no transaction fee.  Online trades will be charged a $5.00 fee per transaction.  All trades will be subject to final approval coming from the commissioner.  Team owner or representative of team will need to be present at the supplemental drafts in order to perform trades for that team. Teams not represented at meeting will not be allowed to trade. Trades will be allowed prior to (beginning the day of the meeting), and during each supplemental draft proceedings.  Trades are also permitted during the initial draft. Draft positions can be used as consideration in trade deals on draft days, but only for the current draft. It is expressly forbidden to sell players for money. Any owner caught selling a player will be banished from the league, and his money forfeited.

9. "The No Trade Back Rule", Teams are not allowed to trade or pick up a player from waiver wire that was previously traded by the same team in the same season.  For example, Team A trades QB Favre to Team B for RB Simpson and next week they decide to trade back players, this is not allowed as teams that trade a player will no longer be able to add this player back to their roster in the same season. Next example, say the trade example from above happens and Team B decides to drop QB Favre, Team A is not allowed to pick this player back up thru waiver wire in this season, but any other team in the league is allowed to pick up this player as they didn't trade the player away from their roster.  This rule will be monitored by the commissioner.

The Waiver Wire/ Free Agent Pick Ups 

1. Any NFL player not on a fantasy team will be considered a free agent, and will be available on the waiver wire, or through free agency, but only at certain times. Each owner will be allowed a maximum pick up of two (2) players per week.  That can either be a combination of one (1) waiver selection and one (1) free agent pickup per week or just two (2) free agent pickups. There will be a cost of $5.00 each waiver wire and free agent pickup. These funds will be added to the pool, to be used for expenses and prizes. 

2. Absolutely no waivers will be accepted after the deadline of 9:00pm Central time on Wednesday night of each week.  Then a first come first serve free agent pickup period will at begin at 6:00am Central time on Thursday morning of each week.  This free agent pickup period will run right up until kickoff for each free agent player or the final game of the week's kickoff for players on bye week.

3. For each player obtained via waivers, a player must be released as a free agent (unless their roster is short.)  The released player will be available to other teams immediately, but that released player cannot be a starter for their new team until the following week.  Please remember if you wait until before the Sunday or Monday night game to make a pickup, the player you drop to make room on your roster, must not have started his game yet either.  

4. Waivers will be allowed following week 1 of the season. During any supplemental draft week (weeks 3 and 7 or 8), waivers can only be made after that supplemental draft is held. In this situation, waivers will be given by reverse order of team records to date. In case of identical records, the team with the fewest first team points will be allowed a waiver pick up first. If first team points are identical also, the backup points will be used as the tiebreaker.

5. Waivers will be allowed for the post season.  The post season waiver wire will be determined by the playoff pool (i.e. Championship or Toliet Bowl).  The Championship team pool will have first opition of waivers, starting with the worst seeded team to the best seeded team (i.e. 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1).  The Toliet Bowl team pool will follow the Championship team pool, starting with worst seeded to best seeded team in it's team pool (i.e.12,11,10,9).                                                                                                                                                                               
6. A bye week Kicker and Defense will be allowed during the season.  In order to not have to drop your Kicker and Defense, you will be allowed to put your Kicker and Defense on I/R during their bye weeks and pick up another Kicker or Defense for that week's game for no charge.  This procedure is in addition to the two weekly pick ups allowed in the previous paragraphs.  Of course once your Kicker and Defense's bye week is over you will need to put them back on your active roster and turn loose of your fill in Kicker or Defense.  

7. If a waiver attempt is done improperly in any way, then it will be deemed null and void in its entirety. Examples: The waiver leaves the team with more that 16 players on its roster. If more than one waiver per week is attempted, then the first proper waiver will be deemed valid.  

Rules of Play

1. Each team shall play one quarterback, two running backs, two receivers, one tight end, one kicker, and one team defense. Starting lineups are due before that player's game starts, as soon as the individual players game has started that player is locked into that bench or starting role.  Late lineups can conceivably be accepted at the sole discretion of the commissioner. A lineup must be turned in each week! If no lineup is turned in on time, then the previous week’s starting lineup will be used and the team will be charged $5.00 for not turning in a lineup. If no lineup is turned in for the first week, then the starters will be considered to be the first ones drafted at each
position. If a starter from last week has been replaced (by waiver or draft) then the team will play shorthanded.

2. Each owner will be allowed access to the entire league’s starting lineups for all weekend action either via the website.

3. The website will have detail describing the different ways that points can be earned.

4. Starting players scoring will determine winners of each week’s match-ups. Any ties will be broken by backup players. If still tied then each team will receive a tie on their record.


1. Playoffs for both the Fantasy Bowl and Toilet Bowl will follow the regular season. Eight (8) teams will make the Championship Bowl playoffs. The other four (4) teams will compete in the Toilet Bowl playoffs.

2. In case of a tie between two teams for a “division championship”: (tiebreakers)
a) Head to Head meeting(s).
b) Division record.
c) First string points.
d) Second string points.
e) Coin toss.

3. In case of a tie between more than two teams for a division championship” : (tiebreakers)
a) Division record. (Can eliminate one or two teams.)
b) First string points.
c) Second string points.
d) Coin toss.

4. In case of a tie between two teams for “wild card”:
a) Head to Head meeting(s).
b) First string points.
c) Second string points.
d) Coin toss.

5. In case of a tie between more than two teams for the “wild card”:
a) Head to Head meeting(s). (Can eliminate one or more teams).
b) First string points.
c) Second string points.
d) Coin toss.

NOTE: If the two teams involved in the tie had differing numbers of meetings between each other, then “head to head” will not be used as a tiebreaker. Example: “Team A” met “Team B” twice, while “Team A” met “Team C” only once. Also, it should be noted that a tiebreaker in a 3-way situation could eliminate one team at a time. An example: two of the three teams ( in a tie) each beat the third team head to head, but split against each other. The third team isout, and the other two advance to the next round.


Regular Season
NFL Week 1 thru NFL Week 14
Post Season
NFL Week 15 thru NFL Week 18



Tie Breakers
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Total Points Scored in Games
  3. None
  4. None
Game Tie Breakers
Your commissioner will manually establish all playoff games


Roster Size
Roster Limits
Running Back015
Wide Receiver015
Tight End015
Defense/Sp Team015

Def/Special Teams
Combined as one unit
Injured Reserve
Up to 8 players may be placed on injured reserve
Team owners may place any player on I/R at anytime
Taxi Squad
League does not use taxi squad


Lineup Limits
Running Back2to2
Wide Receiver2to2
Tight End1to1
Defense/Sp Team1to1
Teams may start or bench player up until the scheduled start of their game

Online Draft

Draft Rules
Scheduled for Fri Aug 23 4:30pm ET
Manually started by commissioner
15 rounds
Unlimited time to pick
Draft Order
#1 Tilly Hillbilly's
#2 Spavinaw Cotinmouths
#3 Waspers
#4 Elderberry
#5 Groundhogs
#6 Deeze Nutts
#7 Beerkats
#8 Coppertops
#9 Storm
#10 Mario+1
#11 Blitz
#12 Springboks

Free Agents

Player Adds
League uses a waiver wire to add free agents to a team
League allows free-for-all free agent adds after the waiver wire
Waiver Wire
Players awarded Commissioner Manually Sets Order
Teams may acquire a maximum of 1 players per waiver wire

Teams may not acquire players after their game has started
Teams may not drop bench players after their game has started
Preseason Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit preseason waivers
Week 1 Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit week 1 waivers
In-Season Waivers
Submission deadlines: Wed @ 10:00pm ET
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Playoff Week 1
Playoff Week 2
Playoff Week 3
Playoff Week 4
Free for All
Week 2Thu Sep 12 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 11:59pm ET
Week 3Thu Sep 19 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 11:59pm ET
Week 4Thu Sep 26 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 11:59pm ET
Week 5Thu Oct 3 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 11:59pm ET
Week 6Thu Oct 10 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 11:59pm ET
Week 7Thu Oct 17 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 11:59pm ET
Week 8Thu Oct 24 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 11:59pm ET
Week 9Thu Oct 31 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 4 11:59pm ET
Week 10Thu Nov 7 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 11 11:59pm ET
Week 11Thu Nov 14 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 18 11:59pm ET
Week 12Thu Nov 21 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 25 11:59pm ET
Week 13Thu Nov 28 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 2 11:59pm ET
Week 14Thu Dec 5 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 9 11:59pm ET
Playoff Week 1Thu Dec 12 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 16 11:59pm ET
Playoff Week 2Thu Dec 19 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 23 11:59pm ET
Playoff Week 3Thu Dec 26 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 11:59pm ET
Playoff Week 4Thu Jan 2 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 5 11:59pm ET
OffseasonThu Jan 9 7:00am ETthruMon Jan 13 11:59pm ET

Teams may not add players after their game has started
Teams may not drop bench players after their game has started
Protected Free Agents
Not Used
Transaction Limits
4 free agent adds by a team per week
Unlimited free agent adds by a team for the year


Team owners may trade, but commissioner approval is required
Trading is suspended after Fantasy Week 8
Future Draft Picks
Your commissioner does not permit trading future draft picks
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruMon Sep 9 8:00am ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 8:00am ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 8:00am ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 8:00am ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 8:00am ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 8:00am ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 8:00am ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 8:00am ET
The league will be notified of completed trades

League Fees

Assessed Fees
League Entry$0
Wins and Losses
Wins Credit$0
Roster Moves
Each Player Acquired$0
Each Player Acquired via Waivers$0
Each Player Acquired via Free Agency$0
Each Player Released$0
Each Player Placed on I/R$0
Each Player Activated from I/R$0
Lineup Moves
Each Player Started$0
Each Player Benched$0
Each Trade$0
Each Player Traded Away$0
Each Player Traded For$0

Rushing Scoring

Rushing TDs
6 pts for each rushing TD
Rushing 2XPs
2 pts for each rushing 2XP
Rushing Yds
1 pts for every 5 rushing yds beginning with 5 rushing yds
Rushing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Rush
Not Used
Rushing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Rush
Not Used
Fumbles Lost
-1 pts for each fumble lost
Not Used

Passing Scoring

Passing TDs
6 pts for each passing TD
Passing 2XPs
2 pts for each passing 2XP
Passing Yds
1 pts for every 20 passing yds beginning with 20 passing yds
Passing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Attempt
Not Used
Not Used
Yds Per Completion
Not Used
% Completion Rate
Not Used
Passer Rating
Not Used
Passing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Pass
Not Used
Interceptions Thrown
-1 pts for each interception thrown
Pick 6s
Not Used
Not Used
Times Sacked
Not Used

Receiving Scoring

Receiving TDs
6 pts for each receiving TD
Receiving 2XP
2 pts for each receiving 2XP
Receiving Yds
1 pts for every 5 receiving yds beginning with 5 receiving yds
1 pts for each reception
Yds Per Reception
Not Used
Not Used
Rec First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Reception
Not Used

Combined Yardage Scoring

Rush And Rec Yds
Not Used
Rush And Pass Yds
Not Used
Rush, Pass, And Rec Yds
Not Used

Kicking Scoring

Made FGs
3 pts for each made FG
1 pts for every 5 yd FG beginning with 40 yd FG
Made PATs
1 pts for each made PAT
Missed FGs
Not Used
Yd Missed FG
Not Used
Missed XPs
Not Used

Defensive Scoring

Fumble Return TDs
6 pts for each fumble return TD
Yd Fumble Return TD
Not Used
Int Return TDs
6 pts for each int return TD
Yd Int Return TD
Not Used
2 pts for each safety
Defensive ST TDs
6 pts for each defensive ST TD
Yd Defensive ST TD
Not Used
Defensive ST Safety
2 pts for each defensive ST safety
Pts Allowed
15 pts for 0 pts allowed
14 pts for 1 pts allowed
13 pts for 2 pts allowed
12 pts for 3 pts allowed
11 pts for 4 pts allowed
10 pts for 5 pts allowed
9 pts for 6 pts allowed
8 pts for 7 pts allowed
7 pts for 8 pts allowed
6 pts for 9 pts allowed
5 pts for 10 pts allowed
4 pts for 11 pts allowed
3 pts for 12 pts allowed
2 pts for 13 pts allowed
1 pts for 14 pts allowed
D/ST Pts Allowed
Not Used
Yds Allowed
Not Used
Rushing Yds Allowed
Not Used
Passing Yds Allowed
Not Used
1 pts for each sack
Sack Yds
Not Used
Fumbles Forced
Not Used
Fumbles Recovered
2 pts for each fumble recovered
Fumble Return Yds
Not Used
2 pts for each interception
Int Return Yds
Not Used
Not Used
Turnover Return Yds
Not Used
Over On Downs
Not Used
Blocked FGs
2 pts for each blocked FG
Blocked XPs
Not Used
Blocked Punts
2 pts for each blocked punt
Not Used
Tackles For Loss
Not Used
Not Used
Passes Defensed
Not Used

Special Teams Scoring

Kickoff Return TDs
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
Yd Kickoff Return TD
Not Used
Kickoff Return Yds
Not Used
Punt Return TDs
6 pts for each punt return TD
Yd Punt Return TD
Not Used
Punt Return Yds
Not Used
Return Yds
Not Used
Punts Inside20
Not Used
XP Returns
2 pts for each XP return
XP Safetys
Not Used
2XP Stops
Not Used
ST Fumbles Lost
-1 pts for each ST fumble lost
ST Fumbles
Not Used