
Weaver Basin Fantasy Football
League ID
Guest URL
Full Season - Gold
2024 Paid
Dennis Nunes


WBFFL 2024 – League Rules


Fantasy sports are governed under the gambling laws of both federal and State laws and regulations. Any person who participates in the WBFFL shall be of legal age (21) as per the State of California under the “Gambling Control Act”.

1.1 League Rules

The context of these rules shall govern the league’s daily operations, any changes or amendments to the league rules shall be done at the annual post season meeting. Only a majority vote is required by franchise owners who are present at the post season meeting to approve any changes. Proxy votes are allowed but must be in writing. The league will conduct its business on an internet web site run by the Commissioner’s office.

1.2 Commissioner

League shall be governed by a Commissioner (Commish) appointed by the league owners. The Commish shall have the authority to appoint a Deputy, or any other position as deemed necessary. The Commish is responsible for conducting all league business and shall have the authority to enforce league rules and any disputes or violations. Teams shall have the right to appeal any actions/decisions against any team owner from the Commissioner’s Office; 2/3 majority (8 teams) vote by other team owners is required to override the Commissioner’s actions/decisions.

1.3 League Division’s

Ten (10) Team” - Shall consist of two divisions (Northern and Southern) with five (5) franchise teams in each division. Division assignments shall be determined by the Commissioner’s Office.

Twelve (12) Team” - Shall consist of three divisions (Eastern-Central-Western) with four (4) franchise teams in each division. Division assignments shall be determined by the Commissioner’s Office.

Note – You may only own one franchise team; if for some reason one of the franchise teams becomes vacant the Commissioner’s Office shall assume the duties of that franchise until another owner is obtained. Any new owner shall retain all franchise rights from the previous owner.

1.4 League Buy-In Fees

Annual fee is $50.00 per each franchise and shall be due at the annual post season meeting. All fees collected are used for league business and awards.


2.1 Ten Team Division

    • Division winners, receive $35 each.
    • 2nd place finish, receive $25 each.
    • 3rd place finish, receive $15 each.
    • 4th place finish, receive $10 each.
    • 5th place finish, receive $5 each.
    • Playoffs – 1st round byes and winners receive $15 each.
    • Playoffs – 2nd round winners receive $25 each.
    • Playoffs – 3rd round playoff winner receive $45.
    • Winner of the Toilet Bowl receive $15.

2.2 Twelve Team Division

    • Division winners receive $35 each.
    • 2nd place finish, receive $25 each.
    • 3rd place finish, receive $15 each.
    • 4th place finish, receive $10 each.
    • Playoffs – 1st round byes and winners receive $15 each.
    • Playoffs – 2nd round winners receive $25 each.
    • Playoffs – 3rd round playoff winner receive $45.
    • Winner of the Toilet Bowl receive $20.


2.3 Misc. Awards


Award amounts (regular season) shall be $2.00 per each of the categories listed below, except Team the Week shall be $4.00 and NFL picks shall be $20.00.


    • Highest total points scored for the season.
    • Best single high score for the season.
    • Best win-loss record for the season.
    • Longest winning streak for the season.
    • Team of the week high score (paid each week).
    • NFL Picks, 1st place $20 - 2nd place $15 - 3rd place $10 (regular season).
    • NFL Playoff picks with best win-loss record $10.



3.1 – Players/Teams

Franchise owners shall participate in “Value Auction Draft” in order to obtain players/teams to make up their franchise roster. These players/teams shall be obtained from list of available free agents with a pre-determined value cost per each player/team.

3.2 – Roster Size

Minimum roster size shall consist of (1) Team Quarterback, (1) Running Back, (1) Wide Receiver, (1) Tight End, (1) Team Kicker, (1) Defense. You must always maintain minimum roster size during the auction/draft (regular season and playoffs).

Maximum roster size shall consist of (2) Team Quarterbacks, (3) Running Backs, (3) Wide Receivers, (2) Tight Ends, (2) Team Kickers, (2) Defenses. You may not exceed your maximum roster size
. This includes the auction/draft, regular season and playoffs


3.3 – Draft Order

Draft positions for the teams that did not make the playoffs and that are in the Toilet Bowl shall have their draft positions determined by the order in which they finished regular season.


Draft positions for the teams that are in the Playoffs shall have their draft positions determined by the order in which they finished during the playoffs.


Note: Section 8 will determine the order for tie breakers. Once the final draft order is established; the draft order for each round thereafter shall retain the same order as in the first round of the Value Auction Draft. The order would only change when a trade is involved.


3.4 – Salary Cap


The league shall operate under a predetermined Salary Cap determined by the Commissioner’s Office; the Commish shall have full authority to adjust the league’s salary cap. This salary cap shall not be exceeded by any franchise team.



4.1 – Retaining Players/Teams


Prior to the start of each regular season’s Value Auction Draft; each franchise will be allowed to retain their entire roster or release players/teams back into the free agent market. Once players/teams are declared, they then cannot be waived until after the Value Auction Draft has been completed and the website has been updated. Trades are allowed at any time. The Commish shall have the authority to set the deadline for declaring retention players/teams.

4.2 – Term Limits


Any player/team may only be retained for two (2) years on active team roster. This also pertains to any player/team that is traded to another franchise. Players/teams at the end of their term limit shall be released back into the free agent market. Any player/team that is obtained from the free agent market between week 1 and week 13 during the regular season shall start their term limit with the ongoing season. 


4.3 – Salary Adjustment


All franchise players/teams and free agent players/teams shall have their salaries adjusted annually prior to the start of the up-coming season. This cost shall be up-dated by the Commissioner’s Office and shall be done prior to the Value Auction Draft.


4.5 – Injured Players/Suspended Players


Each franchise team will only be allowed to place one (1) player listed as Injured Reserved (IR) on their roster at any one time during the season; this excludes TQB, TK and DEF. Players designated on the website as being on “IR – Out – Suspended” will only be allowed. Each franchise team will be allowed to pick-up a replacement player from the free agent market (same position) to replace the player designated IR on their roster. When the franchise team decides to activate the player that was placed on IR, it then must release a player back into the free agent market (same position). Players placed on IR and replacement players shall count towards the salary cap.


5.1 – Trades


Each franchise will be allowed to trade players/teams with another franchise owner; there is no limit on the amount of trades conducted during the off season or the regular season. The original term limit and cost for the player/team that has been traded shall be retained. At no time, can you exceed the salary cap or roster size with any trade. The Commissioner’s Office shall have the final say in approving all trades.


5.2 – Waiver’s


Each franchise will be allowed to waive any player/team during the regular season and pick-up player/team from the free agent market to replace player/team waived; there is no limit on the number of waivers. Any player/team that is picked-up off of waivers must be retained on your roster for at least one week (current weeks’ play) prior to being released. At no time, can you exceed the salary cap or roster size with any waiver. All players/teams that are waived and placed back into the free agent market will have a grace period of one week before any franchise can acquire that player/team.

Players that are on injured reserve in the free agent market shall not be available for any franchise to pick up until that player is placed back into active status.

All waivers obtained during week 14 through 18 during the regular season may only be retained during the current season and must be released back into the free agent market for the next upcoming season.



5.3 – Trades, Waivers & IR Fees


For each waiver transaction made during the regular season a $1.00 fee will be charged to the franchise making the waiver. Fees shall be collected at the post season meeting.


There shall be no fees charged for any trades that are conducted by any franchise during the off season or the regular season.





6.1 – Starting lineup


Each franchise shall submit starting lineup on the website prior to kickoff time for each week’s play during the regular seasons NFL games. All lineups are due prior to the start of any NFL game. If your lineup is not changed, then the web site will assume that you do not want to change your lineup. Franchises shall compete in head-to-head competition against each other; schedule is generated by the web site.


Maximum starting lineups shall consist of the following for both the WBFFL regular season and the playoffs: (1) TQB – (2) RB – (2) WR – (1) TE – (1) TK – (1) DEF – (1) FLEX. You will be allowed to use FLEX Player (option); but only in the following positions, RB, WR, and TE, you must still maintain your maximum starting lineup.


6.2 – Basic Scoring

Scoring for all offensive and special team positions shall include fumbles recovered for TD and yards gained from special team play. If you have player that also plays on special teams, you will be able to count his scoring in addition to special team or defensive.


6.3 – League Standings


Standings are based on win-loss record from head-to-head competition against other franchise owners. The website will generate on weekly basis the current status of the league standings based on the above scoring methods.


6.4 – League Scoring Website


(See Scoring on the Website)



7.1 – Ten & Twelve Team Format


League playoffs shall be conducted by using the same format as the NFL (high seed vs low seed); Playoff Roster shall only consist of 1 TQB – 3 RB – 3 WR – 1 TE – 1 TK – 1 DEF. The same format for starting lineups and scoring used during the regular season will be used for the playoffs. Six teams with the best record will qualify for the Playoffs, all other teams will qualify for the Toilet Bowl playoffs. Flex position is not allowed.


Each franchise team will be allowed to pick an extra (RB-WR) on their roster; players not on your starting lineup will be used to determine (total points) any tie breakers. Also prior to the start of any playoff game you will be allowed to replace a player that is unable to perform (only allowed to do this one time) from the free agent list. The Commish shall have the authority to conduct and set the guidelines for the playoffs.


7.2  – Seeding NFL Teams


Top teams with 1st round byes shall be the top seeds; teams with home field will be the #1 and #2 seeds. Seeding for teams with the same win-loss records will be determined by using the “NFL Tie Breaker Method” under “Section 8.2”.


Remaining teams that are in the playoffs shall be seeded in accordance with who has the best win-loss record regardless if they are division winners or wild card teams. Same win-loss records will be determined by using the “NFL Tie Breaker Method” under “Section 8.2”.



7.3 – Seeding WBFFL Teams


Division winners (ten-twelve) with best win-loss records shall have 1st round byes and will be the top seeds. The other division winner shall be the #3 seed. Wild card teams shall be seeded in accordance with best record. shall be seeded in accordance with their best record. Same win-loss records will be determined in accordance with Subsection 8.1 of the rules.




7.4 – 1st Round WBFFL Playoffs/Toilet Bowl


The teams that are in the Payoffs will participate in live draft on the website to obtain their players/teams to make up their rosters, each team shall have 3 min. to make their pick per each round of the draft. This draft shall take place on Thursday prior to the NFL playoffs; time and method shall be determined by the Commish. High seed will pick 1st followed by the 2nd seed and etc. Each round thereafter shall retain the same seeding order for the draft.

Those teams that are in the “Toilet Bowl” will participate in live draft on the website to obtain their player/teams to make up their roster. This draft will take place on Wednesday prior to the NFL playoffs. Same format that is used in the Playoffs.


7.5 – 2nd Round WBFFL Playoffs/Toilet Bowl


Two (2) division winners with 1st round byes and winners from the 1st round will compete in this round of the Playoffs/Toilet Bowl. Method of seeding and rules shall be the same as in round one. The winners from this round shall advance to the 3rd round of the playoffs’ which will determine the league champion.


7.6 – 3rd Round WBFFL Playoffs/Toilet Bowl


Winners from the 2nd round shall compete in this round for the league “Championship” and Toilet Bowl; method of seeding and rules shall be the same as in round one.





8.1 – WBFFL Method


The following categories listed in order shall be used for all ties to determine league standings and playoffs; generated by the web site.

1st – Head-to-Head Record

2nd – Division Record

3rd – Total Points Scored in Games 

4th – Points Scored Head-to-Head


8.2 – NFL Method


The following categories listed shall be used for all ties to determine seeding for NFL teams by using total combine score from listed categories.


Points For – Total points scored during the regular season rounded as decimal.

(Example: PF 424 = 4.2)


Points Against - Total points scored during the regular season minus 1000; use the

difference rounded as decimal.

(Example: 1000 – PA 265 = 735 for 7.4 pts)


Within Division – Total wins and ties within their division, each win is worth 1 pt and ties

are worth 0.5 pts.

(Example: Miami is 7-0-1 = 7.5 pts)


Outside Division - Total wins and ties within their division, each win is worth 1 pt and

ties are worth 0.5 pts.

(Example: Miami is 4-4-0 = 4.0 pts)


Home Record - Total wins and ties at home, each win is worth 1 pt and ties are worth

0.5 pts.

(Example: Miami is 6-2-0 = 6.0 pts)


Road Record – Total wins and ties on the road, each win is worth 1 pt and ties are

worth 0.5 pts.

(Example: Miami is 4-3-1 = 4.5 pts)


Note: Team with the highest combined total points wins the tiebreaker.


9.1 – Existing Teams

Each existing team shall make available Players/Teams from their current roster; this shall be done prior to the official retention of players/teams as determined by the Commish. Each team owner shall be allowed to protect players/teams on their current roster that shall not be available for the expansion draft as follows:

Allowed to protect 1 TQB – 2 RB – 2 WR – 1 TE – 1 TK – 1 DEF

The rest of the players/teams that are not protected from your roster shall then be made available for the expansion draft conducted by the Commissioner’s Office.

9.2 – Expansion Teams

List of Players/Teams that are available shall be provided for each of the expansion teams to draft from. The drafting order for these teams shall be determined by drawing as to who picks first; the same draft order shall be used for each round thereafter. Expansion teams shall only be able to draft the following players/teams:

Allowed to draft only 1 TQB – 2 RB – 2 WR – 1 TE – 1 TK – 1 DEF

Players/Teams that are not drafted shall be optioned back to the existing original team owners to either retain on their roster or release them back into the free agent market.

9.3 – Value Auction Draft

Existing Team Owners shall maintain the same draft order as determined under Subsection 3.3 and 8.1 of the current rules; the Expansion Teams shall draft last in all rounds of the Value Auction Draft and shall maintain the same draft order as determined under Subsection 9.2; the Commissioner’s Office shall preside over all drafts.


Regular Season
NFL Week 1 thru NFL Week 18



Tie Breakers
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Divisional Record
  3. Total Points Scored in Games
  4. Points Scored Head-to-Head
Game Tie Breakers
Your commissioner will manually establish all playoff games


Roster Size
Roster Limits
Running Back03
Wide Receiver03
Tight End02
Defense/Sp Team02

Def/Special Teams
Combined as one unit
Team Players
Team Quarterback
Team Kicker
Injured Reserve
Up to 1 players may be placed on injured reserve
Team owners may place any player on I/R at anytime
Taxi Squad
League does not use taxi squad


Lineup Limits
Running Back3
Wide Receiver3
Tight End2
Defense/Sp Team1
Flex ( RB WR TE limit 1QB )1
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruMon Sep 9 8:00pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 8:00pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 8:00pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 8:00pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 8:00pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 8:00pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 8:00pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 8:00pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 4 8:00pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 11 8:00pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 18 8:00pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 25 8:00pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 2 8:00pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 9 8:00pm ET
Week 15Tue Dec 10 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 16 8:00pm ET
Week 16Tue Dec 17 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 23 8:00pm ET
Week 17Tue Dec 24 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 8:00pm ET
Week 18Mon Dec 30 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 5 8:00pm ET

Online Draft

Online Draft
Not Used

Free Agents

Player Adds
League allows unrestricted free agent adds by teams
Waiver Wire
Not Used
Free for All
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruSun Sep 8 1:00pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 9:00am ETthruSun Sep 15 1:00pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 9:00am ETthruSun Sep 22 1:00pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 9:00am ETthruSun Sep 29 1:00pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 9:00am ETthruSun Oct 6 1:00pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 9:00am ETthruSun Oct 13 1:00pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 9:00am ETthruSun Oct 20 1:00pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 9:00am ETthruSun Oct 27 1:00pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 9:00am ETthruSun Nov 3 1:00pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 9:00am ETthruSun Nov 10 1:00pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 9:00am ETthruSun Nov 17 1:00pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 9:00am ETthruSun Nov 24 1:00pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 9:00am ETthruSun Dec 1 1:00pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 9:00am ETthruSun Dec 8 1:00pm ET
Week 15Tue Dec 10 9:00am ETthruSun Dec 15 1:00pm ET
Week 16Tue Dec 17 9:00am ETthruSun Dec 22 1:00pm ET
Week 17Tue Dec 24 9:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 1:00pm ET
Week 18Tue Dec 31 9:00am ETthruSun Jan 5 1:00pm ET

Teams may not add players after their game has started
Teams may not drop bench players after their game has started
Protected Free Agents
Players dropped will be protected free agents for 7 days
Transaction Limits
All free agent transactions are suspended after Fantasy Week 18 / NFL Week 18
Unlimited free agent adds by a team per week
Unlimited free agent adds by a team for the year
Player Contacts
League uses player contracts
Players are automatically released from rosters at the end of their contracts
The base contract length is 2 years, including the year acquired


Team owners may trade, but commissioner approval is required
Future Draft Picks
Not Available
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruSun Sep 8 1:00pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 15 1:00pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 22 1:00pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 29 1:00pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 6 1:00pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 13 1:00pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 20 1:00pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 27 1:00pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 3 1:00pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 10 1:00pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 17 1:00pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 24 1:00pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 1 1:00pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 8 1:00pm ET
Week 15Tue Dec 10 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 15 1:00pm ET
Week 16Tue Dec 17 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 22 1:00pm ET
Week 17Tue Dec 24 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 1:00pm ET
Week 18Mon Dec 30 7:00am ETthruSun Jan 5 1:00pm ET
OffseasonMon Jan 6 7:00am ETthruSat Mar 1 12:00am ET
The league will be notified of completed trades

League Fees

Assessed Fees
League Entry$50
Wins and Losses
Wins Credit$0
Roster Moves
Each Player Acquired$1
Each Player Acquired via Waivers$0
Each Player Acquired via Free Agency$0
Each Player Released$0
Each Player Placed on I/R$0
Each Player Activated from I/R$1
Lineup Moves
Each Player Started$0
Each Player Benched$0
Each Trade$0
Each Player Traded Away$0
Each Player Traded For$0

Salary Cap

Salary Cap
I/R counts against salary cap
No cap hit when a player is released

Rushing Scoring

Rushing TDs
6 pts for each rushing TD
Rushing 2XPs
2 pts for each rushing 2XP
Rushing Yds
0.10 pts for each rushing yd
Rushing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Rush
Not Used
Rushing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Rush
Not Used
Fumbles Lost
-2 pts for each fumble lost
Not Used

Passing Scoring

Passing TDs
6 pts for each passing TD
Passing 2XPs
2 pts for each passing 2XP
Passing Yds
0.04 pts for each passing yd
Passing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Attempt
Not Used
Not Used
Yds Per Completion
Not Used
% Completion Rate
Not Used
Passer Rating
Not Used
Passing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Pass
Not Used
Interceptions Thrown
-2 pts for each interception thrown
Pick 6s
Not Used
Not Used
Times Sacked
Not Used

Receiving Scoring

Receiving TDs
6 pts for each receiving TD
Receiving 2XP
2 pts for each receiving 2XP
Receiving Yds
0.10 pts for each receiving yd
1 pts for each reception
Yds Per Reception
Not Used
Not Used
Rec First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Reception
Not Used

Combined Yardage Scoring

Rush And Rec Yds
Not Used
Rush And Pass Yds
Not Used
Rush, Pass, And Rec Yds
Not Used

Kicking Scoring

Made FGs
3 pts for each made FG
1 pts for 40 to 49 yd FG
2 pts for 50 to 100 yd FG
Made PATs
1 pts for each made PAT
Missed FGs
Not Used
Yd Missed FG
Not Used
Missed XPs
-2 pts for each missed XP

Defensive Scoring

Fumble Return TDs
6 pts for each fumble return TD
Yd Fumble Return TD
Not Used
Int Return TDs
6 pts for each int return TD
Yd Int Return TD
Not Used
2 pts for each safety
Defensive ST TDs
6 pts for each defensive ST TD
Yd Defensive ST TD
Not Used
Defensive ST Safety
Not Used
Pts Allowed
10 pts for 0 pts allowed
7 pts for 1 to 6 pts allowed
4 pts for 7 to 13 pts allowed
1 pts for 14 to 20 pts allowed
0 pts for 21 to 27 pts allowed
-1 pts for 28 to 34 pts allowed
-4 pts for 35 to 100 pts allowed
D/ST Pts Allowed
Not Used
Yds Allowed
Not Used
Rushing Yds Allowed
1 pts for 1 to 100 rushing yds allowed
Passing Yds Allowed
1 pts for 1 to 200 passing yds allowed
1 pts for each sack
Sack Yds
Not Used
Fumbles Forced
Not Used
Fumbles Recovered
1 pts for each fumble recovered
Fumble Return Yds
Not Used
1 pts for each interception
Int Return Yds
Not Used
Not Used
Turnover Return Yds
Not Used
Over On Downs
Not Used
Blocked FGs
2 pts for each blocked FG
Blocked XPs
2 pts for each blocked XP
Blocked Punts
2 pts for each blocked punt
1 pts for every 25 tackles beginning with 25 tackles
Tackles For Loss
Not Used
1 pts for every 15 assists beginning with 15 assists
Passes Defensed
1 pts for every 5 passes defensed beginning with 5 passes defensed

Special Teams Scoring

Kickoff Return TDs
Not Used
Yd Kickoff Return TD
Not Used
Kickoff Return Yds
Not Used
Punt Return TDs
Not Used
Yd Punt Return TD
Not Used
Punt Return Yds
Not Used
Return Yds
Not Used
Punts Inside20
Not Used
XP Returns
Not Used
XP Safetys
Not Used
2XP Stops
Not Used
ST Fumbles Lost
-2 pts for each ST fumble lost
ST Fumbles
Not Used