
League ID
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Full Season - Gold
2024 Paid
Bill Zullo



Fantasy Football League

Rules & Regulations

2024 – 35th year

(Revision # 35 - 7/1/24) 









Figure 1 - League Representatives

Figure 2 - Draft Position Tie Breakers

Figure 3 - Minimum Roster Requirements

Figure 4 - Kicker's Scoring

Figure 5 - Quarterback's Scoring

Figure 6 - Running Back's Scoring

Figure 7 - Receiver's and Tight End Scoring

Figure 8 - Defensive Scoring

Figure 9 - Special Team's Scoring

Figure 10 - Season Ending Conference Standings Tie Breakers

Figure 11 - Playoff Game Tie Breakers

Figure 11 - Playoff Game Tie Breakers



1.1 Welcome to our ZFFL Fantasy Football League!  Any questions of interpretation or the occurrence of any situation not covered by these league rules will be resolved by the league's commissioner, with input from the advisory committee and/or the assistant commissioner if necessary. The decision shall be binding and will be added to the league rules as soon as possible. Our league website is hosted by Real Time Sports and is available to you at the following address: http://www.rtsports.com/. The email address for the commissioner is wazdams@gmail.com.

1.2 The official league scoring is provided by Real Time Sports, which scores in accordance with the official NFL scoring department. The site provides real-time scoring done by an automatic service via the Internet (RTSports.com).  Scoring is not final till Thursdays, after the previous weekend's games. No team scoring appeals will be submitted after 12 noon on Thursdays.

1.3 The league consists of 10 teams and made up of 2 Divisions, the NFC and AFC.

1.4 Team's regular season’s schedules will consist of each team playing each team in their division twice (8 game weeks) and each team in the other Division teams once (5 game weeks). One inter-divisional game to end the regular season called bumper week (1 game week 14) [1 vs 2] [3 vs 4] & 5 vs 5 in each division. A total of 14 regular season games are scheduled. These games will be scheduled in advance during the off season, except for the "bumper week" which will be scheduled by the commissioner based on the current standings after week 13. The yearly schedules are assigned based on the formula of the final league standings winning % and Total Points scored by each team during the regular season only. 

1.5 The DIVISIONS are now selected automatically each year by your team's total points scored for the regular season, as this is a stronger indicator of your team's true strength.  This will also serve to spread out the teams and owners in a fairer manner.

The top scorer will always be put into the NFC to start and from that point will rotate every other team down the list with the next going into the AFC.  The Fantasy Bowl Winner aka League Champion will be given 24 hours after draft day and before the 1st week's pool move period to decide on staying in the assign division or they may bump a team out of the other division and replace them. There are no game Tie Breakers during the regular season, and all ties count in the standings.

1.6 Two owners from any division will be assigned by the Commissioner prior to the draft to act as a league advisory committee member for the upcoming year. The function of this committee is to advise the commissioner in situations that arise during the season and are not covered by these league rules. If a representative feels a decision is unfair for whatever reason, at that representative’s request, the assistant commissioner shall be required to put that issue to a league wide vote by each team owner, before a final decision shall be rendered or reversed. (Each team receives one vote).

The current representatives are.

Figure 1 - League Representatives

1- Representative Bob Homeny
2- Representative Mike Hall

1.7 All team owners are required to return fellow owners telephone calls, texts and emails as soon as possible. Many times, that call is delaying an owner from making some type of roster decision or player move. Please be courteous to your fellow owners!

1.8 Teams that have not complied with all league rules shall be excluded from the following year's renewal nominations. All owners are reviewed on a yearly basis and must be invited back by the league's executive committee. Any team that fails to follow these guidelines or acts in any way detrimental to the concerns and goals of this league and may have received prior warnings from the league office, is subject to dismissal at any time during the season. That seasons team dues will not be refunded under any circumstances.

1.9 No team may sell their franchise to any interested party. The league owns all teams, and all team transfers will be handled directly by the league's commissioner and asst. commissioner!

1.10 When a team owner has identified that they are leaving the league, the open team shall be offered to any existing ZFFL Team that has been in a partner situation.  If that does not resolve the need for an owner, any other existing team owner in the league can partition the League Office with a Team ownership change request. However, only teams that were in the "TOP 6 Scoring for the previous season " are eligible for this team change.


2.1 All teams must be represented at the league on-line draft unless otherwise approved by the league commissioner. The draft day will be announced by the commissioner during the off season. If your intention is to use a delegate, you must notify the commissioner prior to the draft.  You should pre rank your draft selections if necessary due to a scheduling conflict that is unavoidable. 

2.2 The draft will consist of 12 - 14 of assigned rounds (depending on protectable players) rounds of assigned positions. Any type of trade involving picks may take place prior to and during the draft if your current league fees are paid in full. Depending on what trades have been made, a team may have more or less of these picks to use any way desired. Teams that still need to pick players to get the draft day limit will continue to draft in the original draft order till their roster is filled.  The future year's picks may be traded as well, once your current years league's fees are paid in full.

2.3 Once your team's draft position arrives on the draft board, you will have a maximum of 1:15 minutes to make your selection.

2.4 The draft positions are now assigned by a formula combination of your previous regular season's win/loss percentage and the teams total points scored for the regular season ONLY! 

New Process will combine the teams regular season win/loss % and their total points scored for the regular season i.e. ranking of Winning % + ranking of Total Points Scored = number for the draft slot (# 1-10 with best record being given a 1, and the high scoring team also a 1. So, 1 + 1 = 2) they would draft last outside of the Fantasy Bowl Winner/Looser who will still draft last and next to last as is our tradition. So higher the number the better draft pick you will have.

Regular Season Record        +     Points scored (Reg Season only)

1-     Best (highest)                  1-    Best (highest)

2-                                                 2-

3-                                                 3-

4-                                                 4-

and so on...........

Note: The 4 teams not making the playoffs will seed into the first four draft slots (using the formula) automatically every year (compared to each other only with the formula).  Also, the two teams in the Fantasy Bowl will automatically draft last and next to last in the next year's draft.

2.5 All two team ties with the same regular season point total, will use the tie breakers in figure 2. For more than 2 teams with the same winning percentages, the points scored during the regular season will be the tie breaking procedures, worst going first.

Figure 2 - Draft Position Tie Breakers

1st Tie Breaker   - Head-to-head competition (if applicable)

2nd Tie Breaker - Total points scored Head-to-Head in all regular season games (lower drafting first)

3rd Tie Breaker   - Total points scored against you (higher drafting first)

2.6 Each team shall control a maximum of 19 player/positions at the end of the draft and throughout the season. Team Draft is over once the limit is reached that day.

2.7 Prior to the start of the assigned draft rounds, teams may drop any Player or Team they desire. During the draft, once a player/team has been drafted they may NOT be dropped till the regular season FAAB pool move day or in "Open Pool". At no time during the draft can a team go over the 19-player limit and must meet the required starting player/position allotments at all times.

THERE IS NO LONGER ANY TYPE OF "PUP LIST" ACTIVITY (unless player is deemed out for the year)

During the last week of preseason and up to draft day, the Comish will POST ELIGIBLE PUP Taxi Squad Roster Players designated by their NFL team and move them to your team's Taxi Squad.  THESE PLAYERS MUST BE "OUT FOR THE YEAR" as identified by the NFL Team.  This may involve Comish roster adjustments to move and remove PUP Taxi Squad players to their new status if changed by the NFL Teams.

2.8 At the end of the draft, all teams are required to have the following minimum number of player positions on their 19-player opening day roster and throughout the entire season.

Figure 3 - Minimum Roster Requirements

1 - NFL Team Quarterback Position

1 - NFL Team Kicking Position

1 - NFL Defensive Team\ST

2 - Wide Receivers

2 - Running Backs

1 – Tight End

2.9 There will be a 2 QB, 2 PK, 2 DE and 3 TEs limit on Team Slots and the TE position. There will be no Team averages, and you should try to have one to start on a weekly basis. If the situation arises that you do not have a starter for a certain week, it is your option to take a "0" for that week with no penalty.

2.10 All NFL roster players, DRAFTED College players are eligible to be drafted. 

2.11 Players must be drafted in the position that they are officially listed as by the NFL team's rosters, as indicated on the http://www.rtsports.com website on the Internet. This will also be verified at the homepage of the NFL, www.nfl.com. Secondary positions will not be allowed. The commissioner reserves the right to change a player's position at any time during the season. A one-week prior notice will be given to any team owner affected. An offensive player will not receive any points if they are scored from the defensive side of the ball.


3.1 Rosters will have the mandatory minimum players/positions by the "OPEN Pool" deadline on Sundays at 1pm during the season each week. (See section 2.8)

3.2 No team owner may put another team’s starting roster for any game, nor may passwords to the site be shared in any manner.

3.3 Starting roster deadlines are the kickoff of the respective NFL team’s games. Once the game has kicked off, FF team’s players are frozen by the software. Only players from NFL teams not having played yet may be changed throughout the weekend.

3.4 If you have failed to put in active players in your starting weekly roster, by whichever deadline is in effect, if the commissioner’s office has spotted it, or an owner has identified it to the league office, the Comish reserves the right to put an active roster in for you. Note: If this is a match against the Comish, the Assistant Comish or a member of the Exec Committee will perform this task. If there is a second occurrence of this, the same process will be implemented. The owner will then be placed on probation for the remainder of the season. A third offense will be automatic dismissal from the league at that time, and the commissioner’s office will manage the team for the remainder of the season, with no team entry fee refund.  The Comish will only perform this after week 8 of the regular season.

3.5 Team owners will have the option of starting the normal PRO-SET (2-RB, 2-RC, 1-TE) offense or a RUN AND SHOOT (1-RB, 3-RC, 1-TE or 1-RB, 2-RC, 2-TE) offense on a weekly basis. If starting a run and shoot offense, you will simply replace a running back with a receiver for that week. You may also start two TEs in place of a running back if you desire in either of the roster setups.

3.6 There will be NO TEAM/PLAYER/TE AVERAGES IN THE LEAGUE. Due to the NFL schedule, there will be several players not available during certain weeks. Team owners will be required to exhaust all players on the team active roster (not IR or PUP) to identify a starting roster (pro-set or run & shoot). With the open pool period, all owners, you should be able manage their rosters to avoid taking a "0".  However, if you choose to take a "0", that shall be your choice with no penalty, but you must still have the minimum roster requirements on your team.  You will have till the Sunday "OPEN Pool" deadline to meet the minimum roster requirement on a weekly basis.

3.7 If the commissioner is not available during an internet crisis, leave your roster on the commissioner’s telephone. Please identify your team's name, then starting roster. The league's telephone number is 609-706-2224.

3.8 You may now drop any player from a team that is currently playing or has played in the current week and was NOT in your starting roster that week.


4.1 The league Trade Deadline will be Wednesday (Thanksgiving week) at 7:00pm, of the regular season. No trades will take place for the remainder of the season until the league trade period opens after the ZFFL Bowl.

4.2 Once both owners have posted in the RTSports Site Talk room message board, called, texted or emailed a trade into the commissioner, and its approved, the players will be moved from one roster to another.  Trades may take place on any day of the week, except Sundays and Mondays. Once a player has played, and was in the starting line-up for that team, he may not be traded that week. If, however he was on the bench and was unused, he may be moved at that time.

4.3 All trades must be made in good faith and will be reviewed by the league's office for fairness. Any doubt as to the validity of the deal will result in the trade being vetoed by the league's commissioner. Each team must show a benefit from the trade for their respective team.

4.4 There is no limit to the number of trades a team owner may make during the trade periods. If one of the mandatory roster spots (see section 2.13) is traded or goes on injured reserve, and there are no others on your roster, a similar type of player position will be required to be picked up prior to the Sunday "OPEN POOL" deadline in order to meet the minimum required roster positions.

4.5 If a trade leaves your roster at less than the minimum roster limit, you may fill any team openings during the "OPEN POOL" (First come, First serve) period or your weekly FAAB pool move to bring your roster to the limit on a weekly basis. If a trade leaves you with more than the roster limit, your roster cut must occur as part of the same trade transaction, or the trade will not be completed until this has been identified by the owner.  In all cases, by the closing of the "OPEN POOL" Sunday deadline, you must have met the minimum roster requirements.

4.6 There is no off-season roster limits on players until the "Plan B" cut down day arrives. After cutting to the 7/8/9 player/position limit, the 19 player/position opening day roster limit is in effect when you leave the draft.

4.7 With more movement than ever with QBs, we are now allowing an off-season free Team QB move, if your Team QB slot has the STARTING Individual goes to a different NFL Team in the off season via any method such as a trade, cut/pickup, free agency etc., and the QB slot is not currently owned by existing ZFFL Team, and available in the pool.  Obviously if it is owned, nothing can be done, tough luck. So i.e.  you have the Cardinals QB slot.  Kyler Murray gets traded to the Falcons on NFL draft day.  To try and prevent an owner from getting out right screwed by this NFL action, the ZFFL team owner would be allowed to drop the Cardinals QB slot and pick up the Falcons QB slot with a onetime offer from the commish to accomplish this.


5.1 We are now using the FAAB (Free Agent Auction Budget) to allocate all weekly player/team pool moves 10am Saturday morning.  The below listed items define the process for all owners.


  • Each team is allocated $500 to bid on players/team slots each week during the season and playoffs. (Use it wisely)
  • The deadline for you to put in your listed players/teams is Saturday morning 10 am. NON-IR FAAB bids can be put in any time after Tuesday AM; however, IR moves must only be put in after 5pm on Friday to make sure the latest IR statuses have been applied for that week.
  • You can only put in 1 initial group (as many players/teams you like) and you will receive only 1 of your bids in that group.  DO NOT SPLIT UP YOUR GROUP!!!!!!  All players/Team slots go in the same group!
  • You must drop a player/team slot from your roster to be included in the move when a player is moving to IR (if O, or D) is there IR designation after 5pm on Friday with the latest weekly NFL IR feed to the site to update all players.
  • Remember you MUST drop the player/team in your move to create the opening on your roster.
  • You may put your normal allocated FAAB pool move in when the new NFL week starts on Tuesday Mornings (No IR moves) till the Saturday morning 10am deadline. Once you have placed a move, you may change anything about it, delete it totally, change the player/team, change the amount of the big up or down.  Make sure to save your work!
  • You may ONLY put in a 2nd group (which may include similar players or team slots in the first group request) if you have an eligible IR player or traded for an additional other team's weekly pick . (all IR moves must be timestamped after Friday night 5pm to count. Commish will delete any IR move put in before that time each week.
  • So, each team could have a 2 or more possible bid groups each week if 1 IR player or more are eligible on your roster after Friday's player IR updates around 5pm.  (so, it is important to understand that players IR status is from the previous week prior to approx. 5pm on Fridays) It is your responsibility to make sure the player is still holding an "O" or "D" before the pool run deadline at 10 am Saturday (IR statuses now change by the day and sometimes the hour).  NOTE: All moves are time stamped!  If your IR move was put in before the 5pm Friday magic update time, it will be deleted, reversed and/or you will have to use the Open Pool to make the transaction.
  • If the owner has not followed these rules in any manner, their move will be reversed and it is not possible to correct it in any way, and the owner will only have the open pool to correct the oversight.  Pay particular attention to the IR designation for players to make sure you have the most recent updates for the Saturday 10am Deadline.
  • You can also, if you choose to try and steal a player/team can make a bid of "$1" in an effort to save money (the minimum bid). 
  • If doing additional Groups for an IR moves the IR player must be included in the move.  Make sure to use the drop-down arrow and select "to IR".  IR players may not be moved to IR prior to pool move process and must be included in your moves on Saturdays at 10am.  Don't forget to hit save.....
  • You always have the "open pool" to supplement your roster moves as needed to include IR players, to meet rosters mandatory requirements by the Sunday 1pm NFL Kickoffs.

No Team slots will be eligible for IR roster in any case.

On Saturday afternoon, 2pm "Open Pool" window begins, you may IR the following categories listed alongside the player, out to your IR roster.

    • (O) - Out
    • (D) - Doubtful
    • (IR) - NFL team moves player to IR - Out for the Year
    • There will be NO mandatory "out" penalty for how long they will remain out on IR, however, once a player on the IR rosters has any type of stat (carry, target, catch, carry) they must be activated back to your roster by the following Thursday by 7pm and a player cut will be required.

If a player is out for the year, they will be moved to your teams PUP-Taxi Squad by the Comish prior to FAAB pool deadline. You will retain the rights till the following August Cut downs.

5.2 (IR & PM) Each Team will have the ability to go into the pool on a first come first serve basis, weekly on Saturdays at 2:00pm (open pool) to drop and pick-up an unlimited number of players/team positions. All Players dropped during the current week’s pool move session will be available immediately for pick-up. You may also make additional "IR" moves if your player meets the requirements during this window of opportunity. You must still meet minimum roster requirements by the close of the "Open Pool" period, and there is no time limit on how long that player must be on your roster. You may cut, any players from your roster that have played in any game already played that week IF THEY WERE NOT IN YOUR STARTING LINEUP AND PLAYED THEIR GAME THAT WEEK.

5.3 (IR) NFL Players that have been placed on their respective NFL Teams Injured Reserved "OUT FOR THE YEAR" shall be eligible for your teams PUP-Taxi Squad roster and remain there till the protected Plan "B" free agent cut day.   If a team picks up a player during the season that has been placed on NFL "OUT FOR THE YEAR" or is in one of our approved "IR" status, any team owner may pick up the player with a weekly FAAB pool move or open pool, but cannot place him on PUP-Taxi Squad or the teams IR roster until the following week's FAAB run or open pool and engage the Comish to move him to the PUP-TAXI SQUAD, if appropriate.

5.4 (IR) During the League PLAYOFFS teams will be able to use the players IR rule as normal except that the following conditions apply.

(1) You may ONLY pick up the type of player that is going out on IR (RB for RB etc.)

(2) The IR player is lost for the play-offs.

(3) Any player picked up during the play-offs will be returned to the player pool after the completion of the FF Bowl and will be available for the years following draft.

(4) Exception: Any team position may be used for a normal pool moves during the play-offs. The position will be dropped from your roster as is the case during the regular season. These transactions will be permanent and irreversible unlike the IR player pick-ups.

5.5 (IR) Any player drafted during the current year’s draft and has been placed on the NFL Injured Reserved, will not be placed on the ZFFL Team's OUT FOR THE YEAR Injured Reserve PUP Taxi Squad list until the week 1 open pool period begins for that year.

5.6 (IR & PM) ONLY IF YOUR INTERNET IS DOWN, when calling in a move, team owners will identify their team's name and then the player/position to be dropped, followed by a list up to 8 player/positions desired in their priority order. If you only desire a certain player, you will only put in for that player. If you fail to get him, you will retain the player you originally identified to be waived.

5.7 (IR & PM) Team owners that start a player that has been listed on our site as Out, or if that player has been placed on the IR by its NFL team, or if that player's team is off that week, if the commissioner catches it, the owner may be contacted to correct the problem or at his discretion, the commissioner may also make the roster correction if the owner is not available and playoff implications are involved.  The Comish will only perform this after week 8 of the regular season.

5.8 PLAN "B" FREE AGENT CUT DOWN in August (TBD), all teams will identify and protect 7/8/9 player/positions on their rosters (including previous year Injured Reserved players). 7 with no rookies, 8 with one rookie, and 9 if you have two rookies with one having been taken in the 1st round of the previous year's draft. (QB team slots only IF ROOKIE IS PROJECTED AS A STARTER). The 1st rookie could have been drafted, picked up in the pool, or traded for during or after the season. The remaining unprotected players/team positions will be placed directly into the player pool for the upcoming league draft at the end of August.



Figure 4 - Kicker's Scoring

Field Goals       *** Other Kicker Points ***
10 yds – 40 yds = 3 pts     Extra Points = 1 pt  
41 yds – 50 yds = 4 pts    TWO POINT CONVERSIONS  
51 yds – 80 yds = 5 pts      Pass = 1 pt, Rcpt = 1 pt  
 Run ball in = 2 pts  



Figure 5 - Quarterback's Scoring

*** Touchdown Passes *** *** Game Passing Yardage ***
1 yd – 24 yds = 4 pts   200 yds – 249 yds = 3 pts   
 25 yds – 50 yds =5 pts   250 yds – 299 yds = 4 pts   
51 yds – Plus = 6 pts    300 yds – 349 yds = 5 pts  
1pt for passing 2pt Conversion 350 yds – 999 yds = 6 pts  



Figure 6 - Running Back's Scoring

*** Touchdown Runs ***                   *** Game Combined Yardage ***                  (Rushing & Receiving)
1 yd – 19 yds = 6 pts  25 - 49 yds = 2 pts 
20 yds – 49 yds = 7 pts  50 - 74 yds = 3 pts   
 50 yds – 110 = 8 pts 75 – 99 yds = 4 pts   
 Extra Point Conversions 100 - 149 = 5 pts   
 Run In 2pts 150 - 199 = 6pts 
 Pass/Reception 1pt 200+ yds = 7pts  

NOTE: Special Teams return yardage doesn't count towards an individual player’s total game yardage!




   *** Touchdown Receptions ***    Game Combined Yardage (Rushing & Receiving)
1 yd - 29 yds = 6 pts   50 yds –  74 yds=2pts  
30 yds - 49 yds = 7 pts    75 yds – 99 yds = 3 pts  
50 yds - 110 yds = 8 pts   100 yds– 149 yds = 4 pts  
Extra Pts = Run In 2pts , catch =1pt  150 yds– 199 yds = 5 pts
1 rcpt = 1pt 200 yds - 999 yds = 6 pts  


   *** Touchdown Receptions ***    Game Combined Yardage (Rushing & Receiving)
1 yd - 29 yds = 6 pts   25 yds –  49 yds=2pts  
30 yds - 49 yds = 7 pts    50 yds – 74 yds = 3 pts  
50 yds - 110 yds = 8 pts   75 yds – 99 yds = 4 pts  
 100 yds – 124 yds = 5 pts
125 yds - 149 yds = 6 pts
1 rcpt = 1pt 150 yds - 999 yds = 7 pts


6.5 Any player scoring by any method described above will receive the same appropriate number of points if he was a starter for your team that week, i.e.

Quarterback runs one in for a touchdown, a Kicker runs one in on a fake field goal attempt, a Receiver takes a reverse pitch in for a touchdown or a Running Back throws a touchdown pass etc. etc.

6.6 A starting player from an FF team roster that scores in any capacity during a special teams play (i.e. kickoff returns and punt returns), the individual NFL player will not receive any points. The Special Teams/Defense will only receive the appropriate points for the score and total game yardage is also counted.


Figure 8 - Defensive Scoring\Special Teams (Combined)

Defense Scoring Special Team Scoring
Touchdowns = 1 – 110 yds = 6pts Touchdowns = 1 – 110 yds = 6pts
Blocked Field Goal = 1pt                      Blocked Punt = 1pt                              Blocked Extra Point = 1pt 50 yds - 74 yds = 2pts
Sacks = 1pt 75 yds - 99 yds = 3 pts
Interceptions = 1pt 100 yds - 149 yds = 4 pts
Fumbles Recovered = 1pt 150 yds - 999 yds = 5 pts
Shut Outs = 3pts Note: Individual players will get 6pts for Special Team TDs
Safeties = 2pts

6.8 All fumbles recovered, will be awarded to the NFL/FF defensive team. All defensive returns for TDs on a special team play (DEFENSIVELY) will be awarded to that NFL team defense.

6.9 The RTS site will be used as the official league source for statistics. Any questions or problems that you feel may exist must be brought to the commissioner’s attention prior to the 12 noon of the following weeks Thursday's start of the next week’s games OR THEY ARE FINAL.


7.1 6 Teams will make the playoffs each year. At the end of the regular season, the teams in each Division with the best win/lost percentage will be Division Champions and receive a first week bye. Two teams with the remaining best win/lost record from either division will make the playoffs, with the last two playoff teams being the highest scoring teams that did not make the slotted playoff positions described previously. (winning %)

7.2 The following Tie breaking system will be used for the Season Ending Conference Standings and Wildcard births:

Figure 10 - Season Ending Division Standings (ONLY) Tie Breakers

1st Tie Breaker - Head-to-Head competition
2nd Tie Breaker - Points scored in Head-to-Head games
3rd Tie Breaker - Record within own Division
4th Tie Breaker - Total Points Scored for the season


When 3 or more teams are tied in same division:

1st Tie Breaker - Head-to-Head competition (if one team beat all others)
2nd Tie Breaker - Best Record within own Division
3rd Tie Breaker - Total Points Scored for the season
4th Tie Breaker - Highest scoring single game

Wildcard Slotted and scoring team ties (All teams other than Division Winners)

1st Tie Breaker Head-to-Head competition (if one team beat all others)
2nd Tie Breaker Points scored H2H if applicable (all teams played each teams the same number of times)
3rd Tie Breaker Total Points Scored for the season
4th Tie Breaker Highest scoring single game

7.3 Playoff Schedule -- The two Division winners with the best regular season record will be given a bye during the opening round of playoffs.   WEEK 15 - The best record team will have 24 hours to choose which team they desire to play and the two remaining teams will match-up that 1st playoff week.  WEEK 16 -  The Division winner with the best regular season record (win/loss %) will have 24 hours to choose which team they desire to play and the remaining two teams will round out the playoff schedule that week. WEEK 17 - the two remaining teams will meet in the Fantasy Bowl Championship match up! 

7.4 The following Tie breaking system will be used for all Playoff Games excluding the Fantasy Bowl.

Figure 11 - Playoff Game Tie Breakers

1st Tie Breaker Teams will be required to identify any two players from their roster that are not in the starting lineup prior to the first kickoff of the week and post them on the web page chat site. They may be changed any time after that up till their perspective kickoff. Their scores will be added together, and the higher score will be the winner. No team positions!
2nd Tie Breaker Highest regular season winning %
3rd Tie Breaker Highest Points scored for the regular season

If a tie occurs in the Fantasy Bowl, the team with the highest regular season winning percentage will be the winner, if still tied, the highest regular season scoring total will be declared the winner.

7.5 The League’s Trophy will be engraved yearly but will no longer travel. It will be displayed at the League Comish home and a pic will be posted to the site each year, showing the new year's League Champion.

7.6 There will be an individual trophy awarded also. This trophy may vary yearly and will be kept by the Fantasy Bowl Champion as reminder of their great Fantasy Football year.  You will have the option of receiving the $50 Plaque or having that value added to your total $ winnings for the year.

So welcome to our league & have fun. Please do not hesitate to contact the commissioner/asst. commissioner with questions, problems, and concerns. New ideas are always welcome. We are very interested in continuing to improve and keeping this league the very best fantasy football league anywhere!

Good Luck & Enjoy! Your League Commissioner

Bill Zullo


League History - League Championships

1989 - Baddogs

1990 - Jinx

1991 - Eagles (Cowboys)

1992 - Jinx

1993 - Panthers

1994 - Raiders

1995 - Timberwolves

1996 - Jinx

1997 - Rotorheads

1998 - Raiders

1999 - Bombers

2000 - Philly Flash-80 Maniacs-51

2001 - Philly Flash-88 Jinx-58

2002 - Maniacs-73 Giants-44

2003 - Giants-72 Maniacs-51

2004 - Rockets-47 Destroyers-45

2005 - Players Club-67 Eagles-54

2006 - Giants-76 Players Club-52

2007 - Jinx-53 Destroyers-41

2008 - Raiders-64 Giants-60

2009 - Raiders-89 Jinx-69

2010 - Bombers-82 Jinx-53

2011 - Raiders-58 Lunch Rush-56

2012 - Lunch Rush-102  Raiders-78

2013 - Hemingway's Whiskey-94  Lunch Rush-81

2014 - Lunch Rush-95    Rotorheads-76

2015 - Raiders-95 Jinx-81

2016 - Rotorheads-91  Jinx-81

2017 -  Raiders-98   Jinx-57

2018 - Scarlet Knights-105  Lunch Rush-66

2019 - Jersey Jinx-92  Lunch Rush-44

2020 - Rotorheads-115    Scarlet Knights-71

2021 - Lunch Rush-83 vs Rotorheads-69

2022 - Scarlet Knights-79   Cowboys-50

2023 - Bombers-88   Raiders-62

2024 - TBD




Regular Season
NFL Week 1 thru NFL Week 14
Post Season
NFL Week 15 thru NFL Week 17



Tie Breakers
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Points Scored Head-to-Head
  3. Divisional Record
  4. Total Points Standings
Game Tie Breakers
Your commissioner will manually establish all playoff games


Roster Size
Roster Limits
Running Back219
Wide Receiver219
Tight End13
Defense/Sp Team02

Def/Special Teams
Combined as one unit
Team Players
Team Quarterback
Team Kicker
Injured Reserve
Up to 10 players may be placed on injured reserve
To be placed on I/R a player must be at least Doubt on the official NFL injury report
Taxi Squad
Up to 10 individual players may be assigned to your taxi squad


Lineup Limits
Running Back1to1
Wide Receiver1to2
Tight End1to1
Defense/Sp Team0to1
Flex ( RB WR TE )1to1
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruMon Sep 9 8:30pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 8:30pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 8:30pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 8:30pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 8:30pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 8:30pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 8:30pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 8:30pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 4 8:30pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 11 8:30pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 18 8:30pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 25 8:30pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 2 8:30pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 9 8:30pm ET
Playoff Week 1Tue Dec 10 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 16 8:30pm ET
Playoff Week 2Tue Dec 17 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 23 8:30pm ET
Playoff Week 3Tue Dec 24 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 8:30pm ET

Online Draft

Draft Rules
Scheduled for Tue Sep 3 8:00pm ET
Manually started by commissioner
14 rounds
75 secs per pick
Draft Order
#1 Cowboys
#2 Jersey Jinx
#3 Steelers
#4 Blue Fin Tunas
#5 Destroyers
#6 Scarlet Knights
#7 Pylon LepreKahns
#8 Rotorheads
#9 Raiders
#10 Bombers

Free Agents

Player Adds
League uses a waiver wire to add free agents to a team
League allows free-for-all free agent adds after the waiver wire
Waiver Wire
Players awarded Blind Bid Against FAAB
Season waiver budget $500
Minimum waiver bid $1
Maximum waiver bid $499
If bids are tied, the team with the fewest total points will be awarded the player
Teams may acquire as many players as they wish per waiver wire

Teams may acquire players even after their game has started
Waiver wires are suspended after Fantasy Playoff Week 3 / NFL Week 17
Preseason Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit preseason waivers
Week 1 Waivers
Submission deadlines: Sat @ 10:00am ET
If bids are tied, reverse draft order will be used to award the player.
In-Season Waivers
Submission deadlines: Sat @ 10:00am ET
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Playoff Week 1
Playoff Week 2
Playoff Week 3
Free for All
Week 1Sat Sep 7 2:00pm ETthruSun Sep 8 1:00pm ET
Week 2Sat Sep 14 2:00pm ETthruSun Sep 15 1:00pm ET
Week 3Sat Sep 21 2:00pm ETthruSun Sep 22 1:00pm ET
Week 4Sat Sep 28 2:00pm ETthruSun Sep 29 1:00pm ET
Week 5Sat Oct 5 2:00pm ETthruSun Oct 6 1:00pm ET
Week 6Sat Oct 12 2:00pm ETthruSun Oct 13 1:00pm ET
Week 7Sat Oct 19 2:00pm ETthruSun Oct 20 1:00pm ET
Week 8Sat Oct 26 2:00pm ETthruSun Oct 27 1:00pm ET
Week 9Sat Nov 2 2:00pm ETthruSun Nov 3 1:00pm ET
Week 10Sat Nov 9 2:00pm ETthruSun Nov 10 1:00pm ET
Week 11Sat Nov 16 2:00pm ETthruSun Nov 17 1:00pm ET
Week 12Sat Nov 23 2:00pm ETthruSun Nov 24 1:00pm ET
Week 13Sat Nov 30 2:00pm ETthruSun Dec 1 1:00pm ET
Week 14Sat Dec 7 2:00pm ETthruSun Dec 8 1:00pm ET
Playoff Week 1Sat Dec 14 2:00pm ETthruSun Dec 15 1:00pm ET
Playoff Week 2Sat Dec 21 2:00pm ETthruSun Dec 22 1:00pm ET
Playoff Week 3Sat Dec 28 2:00pm ETthruSun Dec 29 1:00pm ET

Teams may add players even after their game has started
Protected Free Agents
Not Used
Transaction Limits
All free agent transactions are suspended after Fantasy Playoff Week 3 / NFL Week 17
Unlimited free agent adds by a team per week
Unlimited free agent adds by a team for the year


Your commissioner does not permit trading between team owners

League Fees

Assessed Fees
League Entry$0
Wins and Losses
Wins Credit$0
Roster Moves
Each Player Acquired$0
Each Player Acquired via Waivers$0
Each Player Acquired via Free Agency$0
Each Player Released$0
Each Player Placed on I/R$0
Each Player Activated from I/R$0
Lineup Moves
Each Player Started$0
Each Player Benched$0
Each Trade$0
Each Player Traded Away$0
Each Player Traded For$0

Rushing Scoring

Rushing TDs
Not Used
Rushing 2XPs
2 pts for each rushing 2XP
Rushing Yds
Not Used
Rushing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Rush
Not Used
Rushing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Rush
6 pts for 0 to 19 yd TD rush
7 pts for 20 to 49 yd TD rush
8 pts for 50 to 110 yd TD rush
Fumbles Lost
Not Used
Not Used

Passing Scoring

Passing TDs
Not Used
Passing 2XPs
1 pts for each passing 2XP
Passing Yds
3 pts for 200 to 249 passing yds
4 pts for 250 to 299 passing yds
5 pts for 300 to 349 passing yds
6 pts for 350 to 999 passing yds
Passing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Attempt
Not Used
Not Used
Yds Per Completion
Not Used
% Completion Rate
Not Used
Passer Rating
Not Used
Passing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Pass
4 pts for 1 to 24 yd TD pass
5 pts for 25 to 50 yd TD pass
6 pts for 51 to 999 yd TD pass
Interceptions Thrown
Not Used
Pick 6s
Not Used
Not Used
Times Sacked
Not Used

Receiving Scoring

Receiving TDs
Not Used
Receiving 2XP
1 pts for each receiving 2XP
Receiving Yds
Not Used
1 pts for each reception
Yds Per Reception
Not Used
Not Used
Rec First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Reception
6 pts for 1 to 29 yd TD reception
7 pts for 30 to 49 yd TD reception
8 pts for 50 to 999 yd TD reception

Combined Yardage Scoring

Rush And Rec Yds
2 pts for 25 to 49 rush and rec yds
3 pts for 50 to 74 rush and rec yds
4 pts for 75 to 99 rush and rec yds
5 pts for 100 to 149 rush and rec yds
6 pts for 150 to 199 rush and rec yds
7 pts for 200 to 999 rush and rec yds
2 pts for 50 to 74 rush and rec yds
3 pts for 75 to 99 rush and rec yds
4 pts for 100 to 149 rush and rec yds
5 pts for 150 to 199 rush and rec yds
6 pts for 200 to 999 rush and rec yds
2 pts for 25 to 49 rush and rec yds
3 pts for 50 to 74 rush and rec yds
4 pts for 75 to 99 rush and rec yds
5 pts for 100 to 149 rush and rec yds
6 pts for 150 to 999 rush and rec yds
Rush And Pass Yds
Not Used
Rush, Pass, And Rec Yds
Not Used

Kicking Scoring

Made FGs
Not Used
3 pts for 1 to 40 yd FG
4 pts for 41 to 50 yd FG
5 pts for 51 to 59 yd FG
6 pts for 60 to 99 yd FG
Made PATs
1 pts for each made PAT
Missed FGs
Not Used
Yd Missed FG
Not Used
Missed XPs
Not Used

Defensive Scoring

Fumble Return TDs
6 pts for each fumble return TD
Yd Fumble Return TD
Not Used
Int Return TDs
6 pts for each int return TD
Yd Int Return TD
Not Used
2 pts for each safety
Defensive ST TDs
6 pts for each defensive ST TD
Yd Defensive ST TD
Not Used
Defensive ST Safety
Not Used
Pts Allowed
Not Used
D/ST Pts Allowed
3 pts for 0 D/ST pts allowed
Yds Allowed
Not Used
Rushing Yds Allowed
Not Used
Passing Yds Allowed
Not Used
1 pts for each sack
Sack Yds
Not Used
Fumbles Forced
Not Used
Fumbles Recovered
1 pts for each fumble recovered
Fumble Return Yds
Not Used
1 pts for each interception
Int Return Yds
Not Used
Not Used
Turnover Return Yds
Not Used
Over On Downs
Not Used
Blocked FGs
1 pts for each blocked FG
Blocked XPs
1 pts for each blocked XP
Blocked Punts
1 pts for each blocked punt
Not Used
Tackles For Loss
Not Used
Not Used
Passes Defensed
Not Used

Special Teams Scoring

Kickoff Return TDs
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
Yd Kickoff Return TD
Not Used
Kickoff Return Yds
Not Used
Punt Return TDs
6 pts for each punt return TD
Yd Punt Return TD
Not Used
Punt Return Yds
Not Used
Return Yds
2 pts for 50 to 74 return yds
3 pts for 75 to 99 return yds
4 pts for 100 to 149 return yds
5 pts for 150 to 999 return yds
Punts Inside20
Not Used
XP Returns
Not Used
XP Safetys
Not Used
2XP Stops
Not Used
ST Fumbles Lost
Not Used
ST Fumbles
Not Used