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Full Season - Gold
2024 Paid
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                                                              OIL PATCH PIGSKINNERS FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE
                                                                           RULES AND INFORMATION


1. Cost will be $300.00 for the season, which will cover expenses and prize money. At least 50% must be paid by the start of the season. The  balance is due by the 3rd week draft. Any team which is not fully paid up by the 3rd week draft will be ineligible for the "weekly money" until the balance is paid.
2. The money will be kept in a savings account by a person designated as "treasurer." The treasurer (Tim) will disperse "weekly money" as well as "purse" money to the winners after the conclusion of the Fantasy Bowl. Deductions will be made along the way, for waiver cost's incurred by each team (see waiver section).
3. Franchise owners can, at their discretion, acquire the services of an assistant manager. This assistant will be allowed to perform any team management duties (lineups, drafts, waivers, etc.) as the team owner wishes. This assistant will not be considered a co-owner of the team, and in fact, co-ownership will no longer be allowed (exception: see grandfather clause). In the event that the actual owner drops out of the league for any reason, then that franchise will be awarded to a new owner according to rule 4 below. Grandfather Clause: Franchises which already have Co-owners (as of the end of the 1994 season) will be allowed to retain that status. Either owner could eventually assume total control of the franchise.
4. If a franchise becomes available (because a team owner drops out for any reason) then a new owner will be selected with the following guidelines:
a) First priority will be given to "Co-owners" who want to split up. If more than one "dually owned" team wants to split, then the two will draw for the rights.
b) Any owner can "nominate" a candidate for ownership of the available franchise. The franchise will be awarded by majority vote.
5. Any dispute not covered by the rules will be resolved by a roll call vote of league owners.

6. Any provision herein can be changed by a majority vote of the franchise owners. "Majority" for purposes of this entire document, means a minimum of seven votes.

1. All fantasy owners shall assemble on the last Tuesday before the 1st NFL regular season game at 6:00 PM (unless an alternate time is agreed upon) at an agreed upon place, for the annual twelve round draft. THE ENGLEHOVEN ADDENDUM: FFL Business will commence at 6:30 sharp, followed immediately by the draft. If a team owner is tardy when time to draft, then that team shall be deemed to have the "queen" for selecting draft position, and may even be referred to as the "Queen" during the remainder of the draft. The league will make every effort to accommodate an owner, such as accepting picks online, if possible. An owner can, of course, be represented by an assistant or proxy (in order to avoid this penalty), but preferably not by someone who is already involved with another franchise.

2. The draft board "order" shall be randomly determined for each odd numbered round, with the order reversed for each subsequent even numbered round. This  process will be re-done each season, usually completed in advance of the actual draft. Owners will be allowed to trade draft numbers for a pair of rounds or the entire draft any time prior to that owner’s turn. No trading of players will be allowed prior to the end of the draft.

3. There will be a drawing for draft position one year in advance. This is to accommodate the commissioner, so that he can have the set-up completed prior to the draft.  Cards will be drawn. Whomsoever draws the Ace gets position one, and the queen is twelfth and so on.

4. "Final Answer" Rule. Owners will have the right to change their mind on a draft pick, provided the change is 1) within their own "two minute" limit, and 2) prior to the next team's pick. After that if you picked him, you keep him. You can, however, drop a player at the end of the draft, and replace him. In fact, replacement players can be chosen up to the first game of the season. The "Keep your mouth shut" resolution. In the past, it has been common practice for owners to make general "inquiries" about certain players during the draft (Is so and so hurt? Is what's his name starting this year? etc.) The Owners should have their homework done prior to coming to the draft, and should not make these inquiries. The other owners are encouraged to play dumb (or even lie) when these questions are asked (Whether they know the answer or not).

6. At the conclusion of the draft, divisional alignments will be  determined. In the same order as the draft itself, the teams will choose one of the divisions to be in. If you drafted first, then you choose a division position first. If you  drafted last, then you get the final remaining division position.

Division A               Division B                  Division C
       1                           5                               9
       2                           6                              10
       3                           7                              11
       4                           8                              12

7. A SUPPLEMENTAL ONLINE DRAFT will be held after the 3rd, 7th, and 11th week of the season for anyone wishing to replace injured or poorly performing players. In each case, the draft order will be determined by reverse order of team records to date. In case of identical records, the team with the fewest first team points will draft first. If first team points are identical also, then backup points will be used.

8. TRADES. Trading of players will be permitted among team owners, with restrictions.  Trades Can be made during or after the initial draft, up until the first kickoff in week #1. No trades allowed between the kickoff of week #1 and the conclusion of the week #3 games. Trades allowed after the week #3 games are played, and prior to, and during the 3rd week draft proceedings. Trades are also permitted between the third week draft and the start of the first game in week #12, but never after the kickoff of the first game (usually Thursday night). Trades can be done using the website. The commissioner must approve all trades, as any perceived collusion will be carefully scrutinized, particularly if other owners object for such reasons. Draft positions can be used as consideration in trade deals. It is expressly forbidden to sell players for money. Any owner caught selling a player will be banished from the league, and his money forfeited.

9. We will be able to use the "league chat" for participation in the supplemental drafts. The draft can be monitored from remote sites by those who could not attend in person.

10. In the event of online system error, such as : A legitimate waiver attempt or free agent attempt or lineup change problem, the Commissioner must be contacted within 48 hours. Also the clear intent of the owner with the problem MUST be put on the message board for ALL owners to see. Make it clear who is being acquired, who is being dropped, who is being started. Any delay in this process makes it un-feasible to reverse. It will be mandatory that the intentions are posted for ALL to see on the message board PRIOR TO ANY DEADLINE for the move to qualify.


1. TUESDAY WAIVERS. (Starting after game #4) Any NFL player not on a fantasy team will be considered a  free agent, and will be available on the waiver wire, but only at certain times. Waivers will be executed online at our website. The Commish has access to this process and will confirm or reverse each one, according to our rules. Absolutely no waivers will be accepted after the deadline. Waiver system is not in effect during supplemental draft weeks. 
2. For each player obtained via waivers, a player must be released as a free agent (unless their roster is short). The released player will be available to other teams the following week.
3. Each owner will be allowed a maximum of (1) pick-ups per week, except during draft weeks. There will be a cost of $5.00 per add/drop on non-draft weeks. These funds will be added to the pool, to be used for expenses and prizes.
4. FREE AGENTS can be picked up prior to the opening-day kickoff, but no more after that until the 3rd week draft. During any draft week (original or supplemental), 1) free agent pick-ups can be made after that draft is held.; 2) free agent pick-ups will be given on a first come first served basis; 3) free agents unlimited in number; 4) free agents will be cost free.; 5) players dropped during these times will be available immediately to other owners.

5. No free-agent pick-ups will be allowed after the end of the regular season. In other words, the last chance to change your roster is the week preceding the final regular season FFL game.

6. Free agent selections will be accepted up until the kickoff of the last game of each week (Monday night). No player can be picked up or dropped after that players' game has started.  Tuesday is the first acceptable day of each week for roster changes.

7. If more than one team picks the same player, then the following shall apply:
• Tuesday (Waiver Wire) before 10:00 PM => Worst record shall take precedence, This order will be as generated by the system.
• Starting Wednesday (add/drop), and prior to the first kickoff for that week => First come first served.                                                                   

8. If a waiver or free agent add/drop attempt is done improperly in any way, then it will be deemed null and void in its entirety. Example: the waiver leaves the team with more than 13 players on its roster. If more than one waiver per week is attempted, then the first proper waiver will be deemed valid. Also, note that if a team drops a player during a legal waiver, then that player cannot be re-signed by that team (or any other team) until the following week.
9. Our website allows for contingency waiver picks. In other words, a team can list a "first choice waiver", "a second choice waiver", "a third choice waiver" etc., just in case a worse team pre-empts the first pick (or picks) at the last minute.


1. Each team shall play one quarterback, two running backs, two receivers, and one kicker. Starting lineups will be selected on the FFL website. Lineup changes can be made at any time prior to a player's start. However,  players will be locked in or out (of the starting lineup) at their specific gametime. In other words, if a "Thursday" player is in your starting lineup at the Thursday kickoff, then that player is locked in as a starter for that week.
2. Scoring is as follows: Rushing touchdowns are worth 6 points. PAT's are 1 point. Two point conversions are worth 2 points to the runner, 2 to the passer, and 2 to the receiver. Passing touchdowns are worth 6 points to the passer and 4 points to the receiver. Field goals are worth 3 points. Touchdowns scored in any other way will be worth 6 points to the scorer, as determined by our online service. BONUS POINTS can be earned in the following ways: 1 for a 300 yard passing game, 1 more for a 400 yard passing game, 1 for a 45 yard field goal, 1 more for a 50 yard field goal, etc. RB's will earn 1 bonus point for every 25 yards gained rushing, starting at 50 yards. In other words, 50 yards rushing is 1 point, 75 is two points, etc. Receivers will get bonus points on the same basis as RBs (for receiving yards). Note that bonus points will be awarded for theses achievements regardless of their position. For example, a QB or Receiver can earn a point for 50 yards rushing. Receivers’ bonus starts at 25 yards instead of 50.
3. Scoring on odd plays will be as awarded by the system.

4. Players' scoring will determine winners of each week's match-ups. Ties will be broken by backup players. If still tied, then each team will get a half game won and a half game lost.
5. The highest scoring team of each week will be credited with a $40.00 prize from the pool. In case of a tie, the teams' backup players will be used to determine the winner. If still a tie, then the money will be divided equally.
6. Any dispute over point totals must be brought to the attention of the commissioner prior to the start of the following week's game, otherwise it will stand.

“Final Quest for the Thunder Mug"

1. At the end of 14 weeks the playoffs will begin. Four teams will make post-season play, including the three division winners (based on best overall record) and one wildcard team (the team with the most starting points that did not otherwise make the play-offs). In week 15, the division champion with the highest point total for the year will meet the surviving playoff team with the lowest point total (during regular season). The other two teams will play each other in this round. In case of a tie in a playoff game, backup players will be used to break the tie. If still tied, then the team with the most first team points during the regular season will be declared the winner. The two surviving teams will then advance to the FANTASY BOWL, for all the marbles, in week 16.

2. In case of a tie in (starting) "point total" between two or three teams (for determining playoff match-ups): (tie-breakers)
a) Head to Head meeting(s). (Note that it is possible to eliminate one of the three teams at each level.)
b) Won/Loss record.
c) Backup points.
d) Coin toss.

3. In case of a tie between two teams for a "division championship": (tie-breakers)
a) Head to Head meeting(s).
b) Division record.
c) First string points.
d) Second string points.
e) Coin toss.

4. In case of a tie between more than two teams for a "division championship": (tie-breakers)
a) Division record. (Can eliminate one or two teams.)
b) First string points.
c) Second string points.
d) Coin toss.

5. In case of a tie in points between two teams for the "wildcard":
a) Head to Head meeting(s).
b) Season record.
c) Second string points.
d) Coin toss.

6. In case of a tie in points between more than two teams for the "wildcard":
a) Head to Head meeting(s). (Can eliminate one or more teams).
b) Season Record.
c) Second string points.
d) Coin toss.

NOTE: If the teams involved in the tie had differing numbers of meetings between each other, then "head to head" will not be used as a tie-breaker. Example: "Team A" met "Team B" twice, while "Team A" met "Team C" only once. Also, it should be noted that a tie-breaker in a "3-way" situation could eliminate one team at a time. An example: two of the three teams (in the tie) each beat the third team head to head, but split against each other. The third team is out, and the other two advance to the next tiebreaker round.

Statute of FFL Limitations. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, Any rules/scoring disputes must be brought to the attention of league office within 24 hours of any official decisions, or those results/decisions are final.


In some leagues, winning the TB might be considered shameful or indicative of a failed season. But in this league, the TB title is SO coveted that some teams might even consider point shaving in order to miss the playoffs. And thereby have a good chance at this trophy. It works like this: The 8 non-playoff teams are all automatically entered. Round #1 is in week 15, (of the eight teams that didn’t make the playoffs), the top five point totals will advance to round 2. In week 16, the top two advance. In week 17 the top two remaining teams vie for the Toilet Bowl Title. The winner takes the purse of $300.00 from the general fund. Tie breaker: back up points, then regular season total points.


TOTAL INITIAL PURSE ($300.00 x 12)                      3600.00
ESTIMATED WAIVER REVENUE                                  110.00
Misc Expenses                                                        (200.00) 

WEEKLY PAYBACK @ $40.00/WEEK (14 WEEKS)        (560.00)
Food for draft                                                         (300.00)

TOILET BOWL CHAMPION                                        (300.00)

1st ROUND PLAYOFF LOSERS ($450./TEAM)             (900.00)
FANTASY BOWL LOSER                                            (600.00)  

FANTASY BOWL WINNER                                          (950.00)

An unknown amount of cash will be collected from waivers. Surplus funds will be used for any other expenses, such as trophy updating and maintenance, and draft food. 


The greatest Reward for winning the FANTASY BOWL is, of course, bragging rights and so forth for the entire off-season. In addition, the winning team owner/owners will have an engraved name plate placed on the much-coveted league trophy- more affectionately known as the THUNDER MUG. Temporary possession of the MUG will also be granted to the winner for the next year, until the final supplemental draft. At this time the mug will be turned over to the commissioner for maintenance (updated nameplates and so forth). Proper Fantasy Football etiquette also would allow that the mug be placed on display at all FFL meetings such as drafts and what not.

It should be expressly understood and agreed to, that actual ownership of the MUG will always remain with the League. The possessor of the MUG has the important moral responsibility of returning the mug to a league member in the event that the holder drops out of the league or moves away, or etc,etc.



Regular Season
NFL Week 1 thru NFL Week 14
Post Season
NFL Week 15 thru NFL Week 17



Tie Breakers
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Divisional Record
  3. Total Points Scored in Games
  4. None
Game Tie Breakers
Your commissioner will manually establish all playoff games


Roster Size
Roster Limits
Running Back08
Wide Rec/TE08

Wide Rec/TE
Combined receiver position
Injured Reserve
League does not use injured reserve
Taxi Squad
League does not use taxi squad


Lineup Limits
Running Back2to2
Wide Rec/TE2to2
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruMon Sep 9 8:45pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 8:45pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 8:45pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 8:45pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 8:45pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 8:45pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 8:45pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 8:45pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 4 8:45pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 11 8:45pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 18 8:45pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 25 8:45pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 2 8:45pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 9 8:45pm ET
Playoff Week 1Tue Dec 10 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 16 8:45pm ET
Playoff Week 2Tue Dec 17 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 23 8:45pm ET
Playoff Week 3Tue Dec 24 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 8:45pm ET

Online Draft

Online Draft
Not Used

Free Agents

Player Adds
League uses a waiver wire to add free agents to a team
League allows free-for-all free agent adds after the waiver wire
Waiver Wire
Players awarded Worst to First by Standings
Teams may acquire a maximum of 1 players per waiver wire

Teams may not acquire players after their game has started
Teams may not drop bench players after their game has started
Waiver wires are suspended after Fantasy Week 14 / NFL Week 14
Preseason Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit preseason waivers
Week 1 Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit week 1 waivers
In-Season Waivers
Submission deadlines: Tue @ 11:59pm ET
Free for All
Week 2Wed Sep 11 6:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 8:32pm ET
Week 3Wed Sep 18 6:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 8:32pm ET
Week 4Wed Sep 25 6:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 8:32pm ET
Week 5Wed Oct 2 6:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 8:32pm ET
Week 6Wed Oct 9 6:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 8:32pm ET
Week 7Wed Oct 16 6:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 8:32pm ET
Week 8Wed Oct 23 6:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 8:32pm ET
Week 9Wed Oct 30 6:00am ETthruMon Nov 4 8:32pm ET
Week 10Wed Nov 6 6:00am ETthruMon Nov 11 8:32pm ET
Week 11Wed Nov 13 6:00am ETthruMon Nov 18 8:32pm ET
Week 12Wed Nov 20 6:00am ETthruMon Nov 25 8:32pm ET
Week 13Wed Nov 27 6:00am ETthruMon Dec 2 8:32pm ET
Week 14Wed Dec 4 6:00am ETthruMon Dec 9 8:32pm ET

Teams may not add players after their game has started
Teams may not drop bench players after their game has started
Protected Free Agents
Players dropped will be protected free agents until Next Waiver Wire
Players dropped after Fantasy Week 14 will be protected for the remainder of the season
Transaction Limits
All free agent transactions are suspended after Fantasy Week 14 / NFL Week 14
1 free agent adds by a team per week
Unlimited free agent adds by a team for the year


Team owners may freely trade, no approvals required
Trading is suspended after Fantasy Week 12
Future Draft Picks
Your commissioner does not permit trading future draft picks
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruThu Sep 5 8:30pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruThu Sep 12 8:30pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruThu Sep 19 8:30pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruThu Sep 26 8:30pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruThu Oct 3 8:30pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruThu Oct 10 8:30pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruThu Oct 17 8:30pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruThu Oct 24 8:30pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruThu Oct 31 8:30pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruThu Nov 7 8:30pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruThu Nov 14 8:30pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruThu Nov 21 8:30pm ET
The league will be notified of completed trades

Rushing Scoring

Rushing TDs
6 pts for each rushing TD
Rushing 2XPs
2 pts for each rushing 2XP
Rushing Yds
1 pts for every 25 rushing yds beginning with 50 rushing yds
Rushing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Rush
Not Used
Rushing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Rush
Not Used
Fumbles Lost
Not Used
Not Used

Passing Scoring

Passing TDs
6 pts for each passing TD
Passing 2XPs
2 pts for each passing 2XP
Passing Yds
1 pts for every 100 passing yds beginning with 300 passing yds
Passing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Attempt
Not Used
Not Used
Yds Per Completion
Not Used
% Completion Rate
Not Used
Passer Rating
Not Used
Passing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Pass
Not Used
Interceptions Thrown
Not Used
Pick 6s
Not Used
Not Used
Times Sacked
Not Used

Receiving Scoring

Receiving TDs
4 pts for each receiving TD
Receiving 2XP
2 pts for each receiving 2XP
Receiving Yds
1 pts for every 25 receiving yds beginning with 25 receiving yds
Not Used
Yds Per Reception
Not Used
Not Used
Rec First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Reception
Not Used

Combined Yardage Scoring

Rush And Rec Yds
Not Used
Rush And Pass Yds
Not Used
Rush, Pass, And Rec Yds
Not Used

Kicking Scoring

Made FGs
Not Used
3 pts for 1 to 44 yd FG
4 pts for 45 to 49 yd FG
5 pts for 50 to 54 yd FG
6 pts for 55 to 59 yd FG
7 pts for 60 to 64 yd FG
Made PATs
1 pts for each made PAT
Missed FGs
Not Used
Yd Missed FG
Not Used
Missed XPs
Not Used

Special Teams Scoring

Kickoff Return TDs
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
Yd Kickoff Return TD
Not Used
Kickoff Return Yds
Not Used
Punt Return TDs
6 pts for each punt return TD
Yd Punt Return TD
Not Used
Punt Return Yds
Not Used
Return Yds
Not Used
Punts Inside20
Not Used
XP Returns
Not Used
XP Safetys
Not Used
2XP Stops
Not Used
ST Fumbles Lost
Not Used
ST Fumbles
Not Used