Guest of the League
Friday Night
Triple Play $20 - Fantasy Week 7 | MLB Week 7


Fantasy Week 1/2 - MLB Week 1/2

Holy Cow IIII396.5vsFantasy Freaks447.5
Can I get lucky475.5vsTime445.0
Keystone Light389.0vsFoghorn466.5
Mike Honcho and the 356.5vsBayArea Bombers3452.5

Fantasy Week 3 - MLB Week 3

Holy Cow IIII293.5vsCan I get lucky252.0
Fantasy Freaks255.0vsKeystone Light250.5
55296.0vsMike Honcho and the 232.5
Time314.5vsBayArea Bombers3266.5

Fantasy Week 4 - MLB Week 4

Holy Cow IIII243.5vs55178.5
Fantasy Freaks268.0vsCan I get lucky247.0
Ratdog20316.0vsMike Honcho and the 255.0
Keystone Light288.5vsTime277.0
Foghorn211.5vsBayArea Bombers3283.5

Fantasy Week 5 - MLB Week 5

Holy Cow IIII264.5vsRatdog20349.5
Fantasy Freaks180.0vsTime340.0
55224.0vsCan I get lucky337.0
Keystone Light227.5vsFoghorn186.5
Mike Honcho and the 209.0vsBayArea Bombers3304.5

Fantasy Week 6 - MLB Week 6

Holy Cow IIII228.5vsFantasy Freaks263.5
55221.5vsKeystone Light310.5
Ratdog20284.0vsCan I get lucky217.0
Time292.0vsBayArea Bombers3315.5
Mike Honcho and the 202.0vsFoghorn227.0

Playoff Week 1 - MLB Week 25

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 2 - MLB Week 26

No Games Scheduled

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