Nickname: FEARTHE407
Fantasy Player Rank: #207

15 Money League Teams

All-AmericanDraft Kings 1 (3.20 Preinearly AA
All-AmericanDraft Kings 2 (3.25 preinYou need to practice early
All-AmericanDraft Kings 3inHunters
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB 1inBest Ball SCOUT 238
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB 2inBest Ball SCOUT 246
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB10inBest Ball SCOUT 2802
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB11inBest Ball SCOUT 2808
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB12inBest Ball SCOUT 2809
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB3inBest Ball SCOUT 247
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB4inBest Ball SCOUT 263
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB5inBest Ball SCOUT 1679
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB6inBest Ball SCOUT 2782
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB7inBest Ball SCOUT 2788
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB8inBest Ball SCOUT 2786
Best Ball ScoutDraft Kings BB9inBest Ball SCOUT 2806
Draft Slot123456789101112

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Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000